Jangan redistribute dalam paket 1 produk. Redistribute nya terpisah aja,
misalkan CD media pack MySQL gratis diberikan - dan berupa opsional.

Tapi ini harus diverifikasi sih. Ada orang Sun disini yang bisa membantu ?



2008/9/4 Irwan Forum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>    Masa sih gratis… coba dikasih referensi link & quotenya yang menyatakan
> grais biar jelas. Ini untuk komersil loh, kita develop dan jual ke
> perusahaan/toko retail/dll.
> Ini sih yang saya liat dari websitenya
> http://www.mysql.com/about/legal/licensing/
> *For Open Source Projects:*
> *_ **If you are developing and distributing open source applications under
> the GPL License, then you are*
> *free to use MySQL under the GPL License. **More Info »*
> *_ **If you are developing and distributing open source applications under
> an OSI-Approved License, but not*
> *the GPL, MySQL provides the GPL License with a FLOSS Exception. **More
> Info »*
> *For Commercial OEMs, ISVs and VARs:*
> *_ **For OEMs, ISVs, and VARs who distribute MySQL with their products,
> and do not license and distribute*
> *their source code under the GPL, MySQL provides a flexible OEM Commercial
> License. **More Info »*
> *For Web Sites, Enterprise IT, and Government IT:*
> *_ **MySQL Enterprise is the comprehensive subscription offering that
> provides database developers and*
> *DBAs with everything they need to successfully develop and deploy
> database solutions with MySQL. It*
> *includes Certified Software, updates and upgrades, proactive alerts and
> advisors, the online MySQL*
> *Knowledge Base, and full production-level technical support. The
> Certified Software (database server,*
> *connectors) is provided under the GPL License. Optionally, customers may
> choose a Commercial*
> *License. **More Info »*

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