Hi Partners,

Please find below requirement and kindly send me suitable profiles ASAP

Location: TX
Duration: 3-6 Months but possibility of extension

Position Summary

This position is responsible for construction and unit test tasks, typically
within one or more of the Chordiant framework customization work streams.
The position will primarily help extend the Chordiant components from detail
technical artifacts, including but not limited to, Use Cases and Class
Diagrams.  This position will generate and code back-end components and/or
corresponding front-end presentation layer functionality.

Minimum Qualifications

   - 3-5 years experience in object-oriented methods and techniques
   - 3-5 years Java programming experience
   - 3-5 years experience with J2EE solutions
   - Experience with UML and Class Diagrams
   - Experience with HTML, XML, JSP or XSP, JavaScript, EJBs, and JDBC
   - Relational Database experience, Oracle 10g a plus

Preferred Qualifications

   - Experience with Websphere Application Server
   - Experience with the Chordiant framework  (Is a must have skill)
   - Experience developing applications using an Eclipse based IDE
   - Experience with AIX or L  rel="nofollow" href="http://docs.liferay.com/5.1/official/liferay-administration-guide.pdf">http://docs.liferay.com/5.1/official/liferay-administration-guide.pdf
> ), sudah mencakup release terbaru yaitu versi 5.1.x
>  Liferay's Wiki : http://wiki.liferay.com
>  Lifecasts : tutorial2 berupa video untuk End Users, Developer, dan
> Installation. Lifecasts ini baru mencakup release 4.4, tapi mestinya
> gak banyak berbeda dari versi 5.1.x. Bisa diakses di
> http://www.liferay.com/web/guest/documentation/4_4
>  Coba aja download dulu, terus install, terus coba2 bermain-main
> dengan Liferay, lalu coba fitur Web Content Management nya. Kalau mau
> bermain dengan fitur Web Content Management nya, enakan download yang
> versi 5.0, karena isi contentnya ikut disertakan ( contentnya adalah
> content website di www.liferay.com ). Nanti bisa belajar konsep
> semacam structure, template, lalu bagaimana membuat structure dan
> template.  Versi 5.1 tidak disertakan contentnya, jadi portal kosong
> aja hanya ada user2nya.
> Kalau mau cepat installnya, langsung download Liferay portal yg sudah
> dibundle sama Tomcat dan HSQL, supaya gak repot2 lagi konfigurasi
> Tomcatnya.
>  Untuk tecnical specs, bisa dilihat di
> http://www.liferay.com/web/guest/community/tech_specs
>  Full Portlet List di
> http://www.liferay.com/c/document_library/get_file?p_l_id=136815&folderId=167862&name=DLFE-314.pdf
>  Business factbook di
> http://www.liferay.com/c/document_library/get_file?p_l_id=136815&folderId=167862&name=DLFE-474.pdf
>  Technical factbook di
> http://www.liferay.com/c/document_library/get_file?p_l_id=136815&folderId=167862&name=DLFE-473.pdf

Wow... thanks banget neh atas link2nya :)

>  Untuk development, kalau tidak ada rencana utk mengubah behaviour
> dari Liferay Portalnya sendiri, bisa pake metode plugins-sdk atau
> Generic Portlet biasa seperti develop web application di IDE masing2.
> Kalau bakal ada customisasi di portal behaviour, mendingan pake
> ext-environment. ( ada di http://wiki.liferay.com, tinggal search pake
> keyword 'ext environment', ada beberapa artikel di situ ) .

Iya, sepertinya ini yang dicari juga. Thanks again.

Btw, wiki dokumentasinya 'gemuk' juga ya... komunitasnya aktif banget
kayanya ya..

>  regards,
> Chris

Thanks berat,


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