Dear Jugger's,

Kalau untuk memakai Glassfish gimana ? perlu ada apache httpd webserver untuk 
melayani static content ? 
jika emmang tidak perlu httpd , kenapa gak pake aja glassfish ? .

 Best Regards,

Andi Kusnadi,Skom
0813 1883 92 37
programmer .net, java, streamezzo

From: Daniel Baktiar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 1:26:58 PM
Subject: Re: [JUG-Indonesia] mod_jk vs mod_proxy

i have some disagreement.

what thomas asserted might be true only when the application is html heavy 
application (not much binaries resources such as jpgs, flash, etc).

my reasoning:

first, most of deployment of tomcat in large scale is better shielded in 
reverse proxy web server. tomcat is *bad* when you it goes to caching big sized 
web resources, such as 15mb flash (it eats up your jvm heap, and native 
binaries web server could handle more loads efficiently) . if an application 
has a lot of static contents (such as flash binaries and jpg images), what an 
ugly way to deploy application in production with fat 200 (lbs, oops, mb) 
gorilla WAR. move the static content resources to other web server (e.g. apache 
httpd, iplanet, iis).

second, reverse proxy web server would be able to shield tomcat from the load 
of connection that is not related to dynamic content, thus reducing actual 
connection to tomcat. for example when you have dynamic public content that is 
polled 10 seconds (such as announcements or tickers), having thousands of 
browser ajax client polling every 10 seconds might make your tomcat turned 
belly up. adding a reverse proxy web server in between, you could set the cache 
lifetime to 5 seconds, the request that is passed to tomcat will be only 2 
times within that 10 seconds.

third, the front layer web server when configured as reverse proxy could do the 
load balancing as well, and redirection of some server in maintenance to other 
server or even other than tomcat.

better alternative to apache httpd mod_proxy: varnish

On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 3:35 AM, Thomas Wiradikusuma <wiradikusuma@> 

you need to confirm this (ask google?), but i once read an article
explaining that using tomcat alone serving everything (assuming you're
heavy on java) is performant too.

2008/10/23 Ifnu bima <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>:

> Hi all,
> gw mau expose tomcat ke internet, kemudian depanya mau dipasangin apache.

salam hangat,
Thomas Wiradikusuma
http://wiradikusuma .blogspot. com/2008/ 10/benci- mendengar- berita-kemiskina 
<-- do you?

Daniel Baktiar
Senior JEE* Monkey -- willing to work hard in the Java beans brewery for a big 
bunch of bananas (http://dbaktiar. wordpress. com)



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