Hmm ok.. kalimat gw misleading. It should read: "gw gak familiar sama
options yg ada di java, karna itu gw survey kemari buat nyari tau tool yg
mainstream di kalangan jugger, instead of nyari2 sendiri di google n end up
dengan random tool yg nyeleneh n gak ada yg pake".

Dan lightweight as in gw gak perlu tool yg overkill karna cuma buat simple
tasks ajah. Mainly karna susah for a team to justify masukin another weapons
grade toolset buat ke dalem project cuma buat ngetackle trivial tasks.

And thanks anyway buat suggestionnya pake kettle.

On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 11:07 PM, Feris Thia <
> wrote:

> Lightweight = 2KB, 10MB, 20MB in package size ? Non Java ? Mainstream ?
> Atau non XML ?
> Requirementnya keren juga ya..... how about creating your own ETL ? Or....
> using Unix batch script ? Or Windows Power Shell ? Comes out of the box with
> the OS :)
> Regards,
> Feris
> 2010/3/4 Hendry Luk <>
> Not sure kalo kettle is lightweight enough buat dipake tanpa bring along
>> the whole pentaho stack. Kinda keen buat tau option laen yg ngetop di
>> kalangan Jugger. Gw gak familiar sama stacks di java... n gw gak mo pake
>> random tool yg gw ketemu di google n pake non-mainstream tool yg gak ada
>> orang laen yg pake.

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