Hi folks

A summary of what we've been doing this week in Juju.

Two new Azure regions have been added - koreasouth and koreacentral.
To use these on an existing Juju 2.x install, simply run
$ juju update-clouds

We continue to prepare for the 2.2.3 release. We were hoping to pull the trigger
this week but a few new issues from stakeholders were added to the milestone.

Some issues fixed or being finalised:
- a particularly nasty Mongo replica set issue affecting some HA deployments
- some model destruction issues
- pending resources when an application is deployed again after failing once
- cloud names with underscores
- better able to handle duplicate instance ids in MAAS when a nodel fails to
deploy and is reused later

A new command "update-series" has been added which allows the series for an
application to be updated. Any new units deployed for that application
will use the specified series. We're working on a variation of the command to
allow the series for existing units/machines to be updated also.

On the cross model relations front, juju status and juju list-offers commands
have been tweaked to improve their output. The "list-offers" (offers) command by
default shows connection details to each offer, including user and relation id.
The "remove-relation" command now accepts a relation id and so it's possible to,
on the offering side, remove a cross model relation. Work is still being done to
support temporarily revoking a relation rather than removing it outright.

We continue to expand CI test coverage of Juju features. This week the
persistent storage feature gained test coverage.

Quick links:
  Work pending: https://github.com/juju/juju/pulls
  Recent commits: https://github.com/juju/juju/commits/develop
  Recent 2.2 commits: https://github.com/juju/juju/commits/2.2

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