Hi all,

I have the following problem:
I have two polygon-layers with many thousands of features. In layer a I want to flag in an integer-field for every feature, whether the area of the intersection with the polygons of layer b amounts more than 1 percent of the area himself.

The attached code works, but the calculation would last about two weeks, I think...

Can anybody see a better way than my nested loop through the features of both layers? I searched for a function like com.vividsolutions.jump.feature.FeatureCollectionWrapper.query(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.EnvelopeĀ envelope), but I would like to refer a geometry instead of an envelope.

Thanks for any ideas in advance.
Regards, Nils

                double dblAreaIntersectionTemp;
                //layer a 
                FeatureCollectionWrapper fcwA = 
                final Collection featuresA = fcwA.getFeatures();
                //layer b
                FeatureCollectionWrapper fcwB = 
                final Collection featuresB = fcwB.getFeatures();
                //iterate over the features of layer a
                for (Iterator iteratorA = featuresA.iterator(); 
iteratorA.hasNext();) {
                        Feature featureA = (Feature) iteratorA.next();
                        //iterate over the features of layer b, summarize the 
                        for (Iterator iteratorB = featuresB.iterator(); 
iteratorB.hasNext();) {
                                Feature featureB = (Feature) iteratorB.next();
                        //if the summarized intersection-area is larger than 1% 
of the area of the feature of layer a himself a flag is set to this feature
((dblAreaIntersectionTemp/featureA.getGeometry().getArea())>=0.01) {
                                featureA.setAttribute("flag", 1);
                                featureA.setAttribute("flag", 0);
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