Per Bothner wrote:
>> Chas Emerick schrieb:
>> [...]
>>> The scope of the current discussion/bug report is not visibility of  
>>> code within the same project to support interleaving dependencies.   
>>> This is a much simpler issue about recognizing any classfiles  
>>> generated by any source other than javac in other, free-standing  
>>> projects.
> Both of these problems can be helped by emitting the JSR-45
> SourceDebugExtension attribute.  For example:

I'd love to see better support for multilanguage projects and debugging 
in NetBeans, to be sure. Currently most debugging options for other 
languages depend on their either fitting into the Java model of 
source/class mapping (as Groovy does) or having their own debugging 
libraries (as is the case in JRuby). But integrating the two approaches 
has not happened yet.

In JRuby, we emit correct source line numbers, filenames, and all 
that...we also emit the SDE attr, but it turns out not to be 
particularly useful. The problem that we run into is that current 
debuggers expect more than just file + line numbers...they expect that 
locating source content works just like it does for Java.

For example, Ruby has the idea of a "load path", similar to a classpath. 
In the load path, there may be many entries of the same name. So if 
you're looking "foo" out of foo.rb from somewhere in the load path we 
have two options:

1. record the source file name as a relative location in the load path, 
as Ruby treats it. This obviously doesn't work for debugging because the 
absolute location of the file is lost.

2. record the absolute path of the file name. This also doesn't help 
debugging, since at least in the case of JDB and NetBeans debuggers you 
must have pre-configured source locations in which to find all source files.

Ultimately the biggest barrier (perhaps the only barrier) to having 
normal Java debugging work in JRuby is locating the files. Related to 
that is accepting that an "eval" of code that doesn't provide filename 
and line number information will be undebuggable. Then I support the 
final puzzle piece is allowing Java-level debugging against alternative 
languages using the mechanisms those languages use to locate source files.

If we ignore this limitation, Java-level debugging works just peachy in 

$ cat foo.rb
a = 1
b = 2
c = a + b
puts c
$ jrubyc foo.rb
Compiling foo.rb to class foo
jdb -classpath lib/jruby.jar:. foo
Initializing jdb ...
 > use .
 > stop at foo:1
Deferring breakpoint foo:1.
It will be set after the class is loaded.
 > run
run foo
Set uncaught java.lang.Throwable
Set deferred uncaught java.lang.Throwable
VM Started: Set deferred breakpoint foo:1

Breakpoint hit: "thread=main", foo.__file__(), line=1 bci=25
1    a = 1

main[1] list
1 => a = 1
2    b = 2
3    c = a + b
4    puts c
main[1] next
Step completed: "thread=main", foo.__file__(), line=2 bci=39
2    b = 2

main[1] next
Step completed: "thread=main", foo.__file__(), line=3 bci=53
3    c = a + b

main[1] next
Step completed: "thread=main", foo.__file__(), line=4 bci=76
4    puts c

main[1] next
 > 3

Step completed: "thread=main", foo.__file__(), line=-1 bci=19

main[1] cont
The application exited

- Charlie

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