Sent: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 23:49:55 EDT
Subject: Native Village Youth and Education Update

Native Village
Youth and Education News
<<<>>><<<>>>NATIVE VILLAGE<<<>>><<<>>>
April 24, 2002
<<<>>><<<>>>NATIVE VILLAGE<<<>>><<<>>>

NATIVE VILLAGE website was created for youth, educators, families, and
friends who wish to celebrate the rich, diverse cultures of The Americas' First 
Each week we offer readers two current events publications: NATIVE VILLAGE Youth
and Education News, and NATIVE VILLAGE Websites and  Opportunities. Our website
houses resource libraries, messages from the People, funding and scholarship 
and other information to enrich the lives of those from Turtle Island.  Please visit, 
and sign up
for our update reminders.  We are always glad to make new friends.

<<<>>><<<>>>NATIVE VILLAGE<<<>>><<<>>>
"Nuclear waste is a heavy burden to lay on ourchildren and their children
and their children's children and their children'schildren's children and their
children's children's children's children..."Rufina M.  Laws

<<<>>><<<>>> VOLUME 1 HIGHLIGHTS<<<>>><<<>>>
Traditional Role of Aboriginal Women has great relevance
Human bones quietly moved from dig site at Fort Meigs
Saving languages is essential to saving the cultures
Dictionary of Jicarilla Language in the Works

<<<>>><<<>>>VOLUME 2 HIGHLIGHTS<<<>>><<<>>>
Tribal Head Start students study music
Students start powwow to bang the drum for staying in
school 4-H OKs Indian Symbols; W.Va. Chapter Reverses Its Ban
Sacagawea's son: Through the mist of two centuries, a portrait emerges

<<<>>><<<>>>VOLUME 3 HIGHLIGHTS<<<>>><<<>>>
Rangers Reach Magnetic North Pole: Sovereignty Mission
Thaw Threatens Inuit Way of Life
Tribe helps league provide for students
Genetically altering Corn concerns Native People

<<<>>><<<>>>Volume 4 Highlights<<<>>><<<>>>
Senate Kills Bush Plan for Alaska Drilling
Sequoyah Basketball Teams overcome tragedy
Students petition against mascots
Canyon Records Turns 50

<<<>>><<<>>>NATIVE VILLAGE<<<>>><<<>>>
To read these and other news briefs in their entirety, please
visit our website:
To subscribe to Native Village weekly email reminders, please
email:  Subscribe@Native Village.Org

<<<>>><<<>>>NATIVE VILLAGE<<<>>><<<>>>
NATIVE VILLAGE YOUTH AND EDUCATION NEWS is a free newsletter which informs
and celebrates in the education, values, traditions, and accomplishments of the 
First Peoples.  We do not release subscriber or visitor names to anyone. Some articles 
presented in
NATIVE VILLAGE news and at  our NATIVE VILLAGE website may contain copyrighted 
material. We have
received appropriate permissions for republishing any articles. Material appearing 
here is
distributed without profit or monetary gain to those who have expressed an interest. 
This is in accordance with
Title 17 U.S.C. section 107.
NATIVE VILLAGE is a copyright © of Gina Boltz and Valerie Crow
Members: Native American Journalists Association
All Rights Reserved.

You are always welcome here :-)!

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