Hello all

Since there have been some posts about Kaffe and MIPS, I thought I'd let 
everyone know what I'm up to.  A side project a work has me trying to 
compile Kaffe v1.0.7 to run on a Helio pda.  It runs
a 75MHz Philips R3912 little endian mips processor.

In order to get the hang of cross compiling something as large and involved 
as Kaffe, I decided to start by compiling v1.0.5.  Its runs on MIPS, since I 
downloaded the binary and libraries from kaffe.org.

I build the cross co
****** Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT ******

** WARNING! Attached file Default.rdp.exe contains:

     PE_BUGBEAR.B-O virus

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   It has been deleted.
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