
On Thu, 2002-03-21 at 22:18, Stuart Ballard wrote:
> But you don't see any hope of getting Kaffe's libraries relicensed under
> GPL+Exception so that code from them can be merged into Classpath?
> Of course, that's not your decision, and I assume there are multiple
> copyright holders involved. But if Transvirtual is still unwilling to
> make the exception, then it doesn't matter what any other potential
> copyright holders might or might not think anyway...
> I don't seriously expect a positive answer to this :) But you can't deny
> it would be nice...

It would be very nice and it has already happened in the past.
Transvirtual donated their RMI packages to the FSF and they are now
integrated into GNU Classpath. Interestingly enough the Intel Orp
developers have made the packages able to run JBoss on Orp+Classpath and
have submitted patches. Brian Jones added those patches to CVS

GNU Classpath is already used by a couple of VMs and adding Kaffe to
that list would be very nice.



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