Hi Jim,

This sounds really cool. I'll take a look as soon as I can :) Many thanks for 
releasing this and letting us all see it :) (currently reviewing and making 
notes on Jason's welcome branch :)


On Wednesday 07 January 2009 18:02:36 Jim Washington wrote:
> Hi, all
> I'm releasing my code for a protocol for Sedna for Kamaelia.
> Or, maybe, I'm just letting it escape.
> In reality,  I just stuck it in Sourceforge SVN, and anyone who wants to
> peek at it is welcome. :)
> What is Sedna? a very cool, free, multi-user XML database.
> http://modis.ispras.ru/sedna/index.htm
> Subversion command to fetch the new protocol code is:
> svn co https://zif.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/zif/zif.sedna/trunk/
> zif.sedna
> You'll get both the synchronous zif.sedna.protocol and the asynchronous,
> kamaelia-ized zif.sedna.kamaelia.protocol.
> BSD-ish licensed.  Copyright Virginia Tech.
> Sparse documentation, though "python zif/sedna/kamaelia/protocol.py"
> ought to give you a functional interactive prompt, if you first match
> config with your Sedna server. It's ~1100 lines of code, but that
> includes the cursor service and the console interpreter.  Eventually, it
> may get properly modularized.
> The easiest way to make the checkout usable to python is "sudo python
> setup.py develop".
> Michael, I thought about two-phase commit, but I'm thinking YAGNI (i.e.,
> not worth the added complexity ATM) for my current project.  I may
> revisit that idea sometime.
> Why Sedna -and- Kamaelia?  Kamaelia makes concurrency/thread issues go
> away when you are dealing with a pool of authenticated connections, and
> you get a non-blocking interface included in the deal. With Sedna, you
> do not need an ORM; store tree-shaped data items directly as XML and
> retrieve them just the way you want with XQuery.  Nice.
> Questions and comments welcome.  If nothing else, it is one possible
> model for database access in Kamaelia.
> - Jim Washington


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