
I'm very new to Kamaelia, but I'm going to take a stab at this:

1)  If you don't inherit from threadedcomponent then your component's
main function needs to be a generator.  Generators use yield
statements to temporarily suspend execution and send a value back to
the calling context.  Later, the generator is resumed in place where
it previously yielded.

2) You need to yield a non-zero value for the component's microprocess
to be rescheduled for execution.

3) Pausing is a good idea, but it doesn't happen until you yield, so
looping on a pause doesn't pause.

4) Looping on waiting for data in the inbox won't detect a shutdown
request, so you need to loop on the shutdown request and simlpy check
for dataReady in the inbox (not an inner loop).

5) Received data is returned from recv('boxname') not assigned to a
new parameter.

6) There is no need to have an explicit __init__ method unless you are
going to be initializing some instance variables.

7) No line continuation \ is needed inside a multiline """ comment

With all those changes, you have:

Good Luck!


On Mar 1, 8:31 pm, Gloria W <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I copied snippets from existing console code in to  try to
> make a functional remote console writer, to, say, prompt for a user name
> and info before letting anyone into a chat session, for example.  Code
> is here:
> And it seems to hang when I use it. I'll keep hacking away at it, but
> please take a glance and let me know if anything is blatantly wrong.
> My class inherits from component, and is therefore not threaded. It is
> meant to be a one-off: wait for a string, return it when the client
> types it.
> Thank you!
> Gloria
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