On 09/16/2011 04:37 PM, Syafril Hermansyah wrote:
> ... dilanjutkan ke bagian 2

Yang pertama-tama harus di set adalah pengakifan DHCP service.
Dengan DHCP maka kita bisa menset DNS mana yang jadi rujukan LAN user
saat akses internal server.


Aktifkan DHCP server di KCF
[x] Enable DHCP server

- create scope
Scope adalah range of IP address yang akan di gunakan (lease) oleh client

Select "Add --> User Interface Template --> Local Area Connection.

Maka akan terbentuk otomatis range IP scope lengkap dengan
Default Gateway = Private IP Kerio Control
DNS server = Private IP Kerio Control
Lease = 4 days

data itu sudah mencukupi untuk kebutuhan kita.

Yang perlu diperhatikan adalah setting tcp/ip di client juga wajib
menggunakan DHCP agar system berfungsi.


Making Your PC a DCHP Enabled Client

On the client PC please go to Start Menu-> Control Panel->Network
Connections (or for others Start Menu->Control Panel->Network
Connections) and right-mouse-click on “Local Area Network” and select


In the “General” tab please scroll to the bottom of the window and
select “TCP/IP…” and click “Properties” make sure that the “Dynamic”
options are checked for IP address and DNS settings.


Once both radio buttons are checked click “Okay” and “Okay” out. If you
are on a network where a DHCP server is present you will now have an
automatically configured DHCP client.

... dilanjutkan ke bagian 3

Syafril Hermansyah

Milis Kerio Control Firewall Indonesia

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Latest version : KCF 7.2.0 build 3028
Documentation : http://kerio.dutaint.co.id

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