--- Comment #2 from Angel Wedge <> ---
"Missing clips" seems to be fairly common for me when restarting after a crash.

Sometimes I would start by opening the project again from Dolphin, from the
application launcher's "recent documents" list, or by starting kdenlive and
having it reopen the most recently used project file.

The missing clips  may be image clips, videos recorded on my phone, or videos
captured from webcam within kdenlive itself. In all cases, pressing the "search
recursively" button finds the 'missing' clips with no problems.

I see no other signs of a system-wide problem. This is a clean install of the
Fedora KDE spin on a new computer. The only packages installed above the
default are kdenlive, audacity, gimp, libreoffice, and google-chrome.

I note that an update since filing this bug report may have corrected the
'missing clips' issue, as it's no longer happening. However, the crashes

I attempt to save after every change, because of the frequent crashes.

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