--- Comment #7 from Carl Love <> ---
Created attachment 108069
Use vperm Iop code with minor modifications to implement the xxperm and xxpermr

The xxperm instructions does the same permute as the vperm instruction.  The
difference is the xxperm instruction works on the VSX register file and hte
vperm works on the VR register file.  The vperm instruction has three input
registers and the xxperm has two input registers and then uses the output
register as an additional input register.  Basically, you can use the vperm
instruction to emulate the xxperm with some register renaming.  The attached
patch just takes the existing vperm Iop code and tweeks it to do the xxperm and
xxpermr instructions.  This only generates a few Iops rather then the massive
amount of iops as the previous implementation.

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