--- Comment #72 from David Edmundson <> ---
Git commit ec1931f7b2980a3cd445c09def1bb4a9b5ad607f by David Edmundson.
Committed on 29/03/2018 at 14:38.
Pushed by davidedmundson into branch 'master'.

Batch window changes events on XCB

In a log from someone talking about high CPU we can see get multiple X
events for the same window as multiple events, but directly next to each
other. This causes the TaskManager to process changes multiple times
instead of just once which is a waste.

An example is just pressing "enter" in konsole, which will pointlessly
update the title.

This causes problems for expensive app lookup and also QML performs text
layouts immediately so any text changes cause quite large CPU usage if done
more than 60fps; especially a task text resizing
could result in resizing the entire panel.

Something not relevant in kwin that also monitors these rolls.

This class sits between KWindowSystem and XWindowTasksModel
transparently buffering the changes.
Related: bug 365317

Reviewers: #plasma, hein, broulik

Reviewed By: #plasma, hein, broulik

Subscribers: ngraham, cfeck, broulik, hein, graesslin, plasma-devel

Tags: #plasma

Differential Revision:

M  +1    -0    libtaskmanager/CMakeLists.txt
M  +0    -1    libtaskmanager/TODO.txt
A  +80   -0    libtaskmanager/xwindowsystemeventbatcher.cpp     [License: BSD]
A  +51   -0    libtaskmanager/xwindowsystemeventbatcher.h     [License: BSD]
M  +6    -5    libtaskmanager/xwindowtasksmodel.cpp

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