--- Comment #2 from brainchild <> ---
I am afraid that the purpose of the request may have been lost in your

No part of the request had the intention, or would have the effect, of
competing with ImageMagick.  The purpose of this request, as is the purpose
largely of standard input and output generally, is to facilitate interoperation
of applications to achieve an effect that neither application fully supports in
isolation.  If you look at the example, you see that Krita is used to achieve
an effect that ImageMagick cannot achieve, that is, to read a Krita file;
whereas ImageMagick is used to create an effect that Krita cannot achieve, that
is, command-line image processing.  Together, through the pipe, the two
applications do achieve this effect.  Intermediary files are generally an
option, but often create other issues, such as managing their deletion and
finding a location to place them, in the case of scripts.  If Krita did offer
the full suite of processing capabilities via command line, then the pipe with
ImageMagick might be unnecessary.  As you correctly say, however, such is not
the purpose of Krita.  Krita should, however, permit easy interoperation with
other tools via pipes, and my request that Krita open standard output instead
of a physical file is hardly a tall order.

Since no tool currently exists, to my knowledge, other than Krita, that can
read a Krita file, the requested feature effectively augments not duplicates
the current utility of ImageMagick, such as in the case of producing a JPEG
file to half the scale of an existing Krita file.

I understand that "feature request" might be a better classification than "bug"
for this issue, but I ask you to take it seriously, given the low difficulty of
implementation and the considerable utility of use.  

Given the prevalence and usefulness of support for standard output, I am
inclined to suggest that the request is closer to a missing feature than to
merely a nice-to-have.

Please consider not giving it a classification so low that it is unlikely to be

Thank you for reviewing the clarification, and for taking the time to
understand the rationale.

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