--- Comment #12 from ---
I tested neon-unstable-20190401-1143 in a VM. 

And the patch fixed it. Kate syntax highlighting works as it has since KDE 4:

View > Code Folding > Fold Top Level Nodes 
View > Code Folding > Unfold Top Level Nodes 

I'll definitely look into opensuse tumbleweed repos for testing.

A couple of cleanup items:

1. I had a typo in my first entry. The current directory location for a user's
own or override syntax highlight definition file, on linux, is:


The documentation is located here:

The documentation says to use the command below to find your user folder

    qtpaths --paths GenericDataLocation

When I ran the command on neon-unstable, I got:

    qtpaths: could not find a QT installation of ''

It did not prevent Kate from finding the syntax highlight definition file.

2. During the learning process, it was very helpful to read, grep/sed the
system syntax highlight definition xml files. I read alert.xml to find which
elements were available. I searched neon-unstable and didn't find any syntax
highlight definition files. Doing an Internet search, I found the link below,
which describes that they are now compiled into the KSyntaxHighlighting

For myself and folks coming along, where would we find the xml source for the
syntax highlight definition files?

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