--- Comment #29 from ---
Trying to compile this was much more complicated (I do not have Debian nor kde
5), but I succeeded at last.

Indeed, KGlobalAccelImpl::x11MappingNotify() and calculateGrabMasks() are both
gets called when setting a keymap - as expected. This morning I missed that
initializeMods() is called be x11MappingNotify() and thus the modifiers are
really updated as I first assumed:

setxkbmap -layout de
g_keyModMaskXAccel =  77 g_keyModMaskXOnOrOff =  146
setxkbmap -layout de -variant neo
g_keyModMaskXAccel =  77 g_keyModMaskXOnOrOff =  2

So my analysis was correct: kglobalaccel does not filter NumLock since
KKeyServer does not report it as a modifier lock.

Addendum: I was now able to build and run kglobalaccel 5.22.0, too. But here
x11MappingNotify seams to be never called and nativeEventFilter seams to get
not XCB_MAPPING_NOTIFY event at all.

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