--- Comment #9 from ahashmi <> ---
> It's true that if you are v8.2 or better then DC CVAP is present, but this 
> does not mean the converse (that if DC CVAP is present then you are v8.2). It 
> is valid for a v8.1 implementation to provide this feature.
That makes a difference to my decision. I made an incorrect assumption when
reading the spec:
- - - snip
0b0000 DC CVAP not supported.
0b0001 DC CVAP supported.
0b0010 DC CVAP and DC CVADP supported.
In Armv8.2, the permitted values are 0b0001 and 0b0010.
>From Armv8.5, the only permitted value is 0b0010
- - - snip

"In Armv8.2" != "From Armv8.2"

But some features are more tightly bound to a version, e.g. RDM
- - - snip
0b0000 No RDMA instructions implemented.
0b0001 SQRDMLAH and SQRDMLSH instructions implemented.

All other values are reserved.
>From Armv8.1, the only permitted value is 0b0001.
- - - snip

So, Arm publishes a version specification with a set of mandatory and optional
features. An implementer builds h/w which states conformance to a version. The
implementer's version conformance statement is fairly meaningless without a
list of features which are supported.

This answers the question: "why doesn't /proc/cpuinfo give an Arm version?"

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