--- Comment #6 from Tiar <> ---
Git commit d621189b910fec56b38890dab54f7e218c6e6b3b by Agata Cacko.
Committed on 03/06/2021 at 21:21.
Pushed by tymond into branch 'krita/4.3'.

Ensure that transform worker won't try to scale to 0

Transform Worker did have a check for scale being 0...
but it's only in the double value. KisFilterWeightsBuffer
converts those values to KisFixedPoint, which has
much different precision (the scale cannot be lower than
1/256, otherwise it gets rounded to 0).
This commit adds a check after converting to KisFixedPoint.

Note: it would be best if the KisFixedPoint had higher precision.

I added the conversion check there, because it's an easy operation,
but it could be KisFilterWeightsBuffer and
KisFilterWeightsApplicator checking the values to make sure
they're correct transformation-wise and KisTransfromWorker only
checking some kind of buffer->valid() and applicator->valid() result.

M  +8    -3    libs/image/

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