--- Comment #46 from Martin Flöser <> ---
Based on comment #43 I read through the relevant code pieces for Wayland. On
Wayland we ensure that when the screen is locked only the lock screen window or
input method window should be visible (see ). As
stated in comment #43 this seems to not work correctly.

By investigating I found two smallish issues which might cause it:
1. There seems to be no full repaint triggered when the screenlocker reports to
get locked. In the handler for the aboutToLock signal (see )
a full repaint needs to be triggered. This would ensure that KWin stops
rendering all windows before the lock screen gets shown. Thus the screen should
turn black. (Please note that the code in Kscreenlocker needs to be adjusted as
the emit happens before the lock state is changed to AcquiringLock. Maybe a
dedicated signal is needed, see

2. KWin reports the screen as fully locked once the window for the lock screen
is registered (see
). At that time it is not yet rendered, not yet even damaged. It is only
created. The screenlocker immediately removes the inhibition and the system
suspends (see and ).
This needs to be changed to wait for
a) surface fully damaged
b) composition pass finished
c) screen presented (e.g. drm frame callback)

In combination these two issues can create a race condition where the screen
stays in the content of the unlocked state. Still it is likely for many systems
to not hit the issue. E.g. anything triggering a repaint between aboutToLock
and Wayland window created will ensure the screen to go black. This can e.g.
happen when clicking a button to suspend (the button release of the mouse will
do) or when closing a notebook lid by triggering the common fake touchpad moves
in these cases. This especially explains the pinephone case where the system is
probably not put to lock through a pointer/touch event.

The second issue explains why the problem came back. The code was written
against the wl_shell interface and got migrated over the years to xdg_shell
which is a more complex interface and needs more time to setup thus the too
early removed inhibition is more likely to cause issues.

Of course this is only for Wayland. For X11 we need other solutions which might
be possible to reuse ideas from Wayland.

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