--- Comment #14 from Adam Fontenot <> ---
I haven't investigated beyond this, but a quick test with Qt 6.5.0 on my system
shows that clip paths don't seem to be working yet. The code that dofficialgman
linked is supposed to be present in that version. It looks like they've only
implemented clip path support in the SVG *generator*, not the renderer, as of
this version.

Here's a trivial test if you have eye of gnome installed (path to the icon is
possibly Arch Linux specific).

from PyQt6.QtGui import QPixmap
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMessageBox, QLabel

app = QApplication([])
msg = QMessageBox()
pixmap = QPixmap("/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/org.gnome.eog.svg")
label = QLabel()

Something else worth mentioning... I know this bug is about icon rendering
specifically and we have bugs for the other issues. However, unless we
bifurcate SVG handling in KDE, then Plasma, the system thumbnailer, and end
user applications like Gwenview will all use the same library. Maybe we could
do a survey of large public icon sets and decide that QSvg with clip path
support is sufficient for icons, but a user might want to open a much wider
variety of SVGs in Gwenview.

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