--- Comment #3 from Malte S. Stretz <> ---
I agree that there should be a GUI to manage the crash report queue. The queued
reports can be found at ~/.cache/drkonqi/sentry-envelopes/ and the sent items
at ~/.cache/drkonqi/sentry-sent-envelopes/ and too clear the queue you can
delete the former directory.

Since at least on my machine those files are only around 100 kB I don't know if
some throttling is really required. Unless maybe you have many of them or a
really slow internet connection. It should be possible though to save bandwidth
and send the data compressed according to

It also looks like the current error handling behaviour could be improved. If I
interpret the code correctly then it will try to send all queued files and if
one can't be sent due to whatever reason it will keep it in the queue to be
picked up by the next run. The files will stick around for 30 days which seems
to be a bit excessive. I'd reduce that to 7 days or so and add some logic to
avoid resending if the server rejects the payload.

I think there are also some issues with the systemd units:

The timer is configured to run OnCalendar=hourly which will wake it every hour
at the full hour. That's not really an issue for the user but not optimal for
the server since it can cause a thundering herd problem. I would change that to
OnUnitActiveSec=1 hour
RandomizedDelaySec=5 minutes

The timer has ConditionPathExistsGlob set. I might be wrong but I think
(judging from the output of systemctl --user status
drkonqi-sentry-postman.timer) this is evaluated only on unit start time, not on
each interval. Ie. when nothing is queued on Plasma session start (when the
timer is started) this timer is never executed. Maybe this condition should
just be dropped. Then the postman would be executed once per hour but should
exit quickly since it doesn't find any files to process.

And I think on logon the service is executed twice if any events are queued:
Once because of the in the service file and
once because the path unit will be triggered.

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