
On Friday, 12 June 2020 20:47:55 CEST Carl Schwan wrote:
> Le vendredi, juin 12, 2020 1:45 PM, Kevin Ottens <er...@kde.org> a écrit :
> > Incidentally it's been the top discussion topics for the past few KDEPIM
> > sprints. And also during BoFs at Akademy. I even think there's been
> > discussions about that on the pim list and IRC channels.
> And I think the PIM team did a lot of good work in this direction, there is
> documentation on how to build the PIM libs and apps, a big list of junior
> jobs with that in my experience get active mentoring when someone wants to
> claim one of them.
> Could the PIM team make the whole onboarding process easier? Probably but it
> would also impact the limited time the PIM devs have to work on the PIM
> apps. But in my opinion that makes it very hard to get more devs working on
> the PIM apps is that this is a complex system and that it is not the cool
> new tech but instead, deals with tons of legacy systems. If someone wants
> to help the PIM team, I would recommend taking one of the junior jobs or
> updating the documentation related to PIM on the wikis.

Thanks. This is exactly why I send my email. Thing is more people are needed, 
the tiny team around KDEPIM did everything it could to attract said people and 
we can't say many hands showed up so far.
> If I remember correctly I got my KDE developer account with the support of
> Laurent after completing one of the Junior Job, so merci beaucoup Laurent
> and the rest of the team for making me discover the KDE community.

Didn't get a chance to say it earlier, but I'll use the opportunity: I'm glad 
we have you on board. :-)

Kevin Ottens, http://ervin.ipsquad.net

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