--- Comment #36 from IFriendly <> ---
>This problem has persisted for me on and off for two or three years. It was 
>fixed for quite a while but unfortunately it came back recently when upgrading 
>to KDE 5.27.

I've tested akonadi on the old (20.04) KDE Neon (info below) but there is no
problem with disconnect/connect notification to akonadiserver. Logs are
different from 22.04 and seems that akonadiserver received network change
notifications. Agents immediately change their statuses (online/offline) when
network status changes.

Operating System: KDE neon 5.26
KDE Plasma Version: 5.26.0
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.99.0

>...running akonadictl restart when the computer resumes from sleep 
This will not solve the problem.  Akonadi loose d-bus events when any network
status changed (reconnect).

With addition to akonadi resources seems  Discover plasmoid (update notifier)
also fails after Network reconnects.

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