On Fri, 22 Mar 2013 10:52:56 -0400, valdis.kletni...@vt.edu said:

> No debug information is stripped by -O2.  Debug information isn't emitted if
> you don't compile with -g.  At one time, long ago (quite possibly literally
> "before you were born" for some of the younger readers on the list), gcc was
> unable to generate -g output if the optimizer was invoked.  But that was
> last century (gcc 2.95 era).

GCC 4.8 was officially released today (since I sent the previous note).

>From the release notes:

"A new general optimization level, -Og, has been introduced. It addresses the
need for fast compilation and a superior debugging experience while providing a
reasonable level of runtime performance. Overall experience for development
should be better than the default optimization level -O0."

The current Linus tree does build with 4.8.  I do *not* know if earlier
releases build correctly (or how far back), nor if -Og is sufficient
optimization to allow correct kernel functioning.  But it's something to
look at.

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