On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 12:26 PM, Marco Gross <mgr...@stephan-gmbh.com> wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I’m trying to automatically append version information to my kernel’s version 
> string.
> Therefore, I have in my .config following option:
> Additionally, following is set:
> The output that is expected is said to be the first eight characters of the 
> output of ‘git rev-parse --verify HEAD’.
> The output in my kernel directory is:
> $ git rev-parse --verify HEAD
> c8d2bc9bc39ebea8437fd974fdbc21847bb897a3
> After installing the kernel the name of the kernel is as follows:
> vmlinuz-4.8.0++
> I expected:
> vmlinuz-4.8.0++-gc8d2bc9b
> My question: Where is the version string that I expected?
> Marco
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
> Marco Gross
> Diplomand
> Fritz Stephan GmbH
> -  Medizintechnik -
> Kirchstraße 19, D-56412 Gackenbach
> Tel.: +49 6439 9125-249
> Fax: +49 6439 9125-111
> E-Mail: mgr...@stephan-gmbh.com
> Web: www.stephan-gmbh.com
> Handelsregister Amtsgericht Montabaur HR-Nr. 4241
> Geschäftsführer: Tanja Stephan, Georg Mainusch
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The '+' character is appended when the contents of your git repository
have been modified, but not committed.

You want to either commit the changes you have made, and rebuild the
kernel, or undo the changes to restore the original state of the tree.

Hope this helps.

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