On Mon, 13 Feb 2017 23:10:39 +0000, Andrey Utkin said:
> On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 12:29:04PM +1100, Tobin Harding wrote:

> > I don't want to make any more noise than I already have
> Not a big deal.
> Don't worry about that unless you repeatedly receive strong suggestions
> to never submit anything again.

Don't worry too much, I've been around since 2.5.47 (late 2002), and out of the
thousands of people contributing to the kernel, we've have exactly *one*
person like that.

(We've had a number of people who we've suggested get a bit more competent
at C programming, but we're more than happy to hear from those people after
they've spent a few more months doing C coding...

> > but I also don't want to ignore the reviewer by not implementing the
> > suggested changes.
> >
> > Is it rude to reply to the original review email for further
> > discussion having already botched the patch?
> If you can fix issues on your own, just submit v3 and add all previous
> reviewers to recipients list.

Note that many subsystem maintainers will get irritated if you submit a v3
that *doesn't* fix all the issues identified so far - so stash all the comments
on the v2 patchset in a mail folder, and before you send v3, go through and
make sure you've done *something* about all the comments.

> If you can't fix issues, proceed discussion with reviewer in whatever
> way you find suitable.

And keep in mind that some reviewers are merely seeking explanations because
they don't spend a lot of time in the relevant part of the kernel. I've been
known to comment om patches with questions like "Did you consider the effect of
XYZ?" and a reply of "Yeah we thought about it, and it's not an issue because
ABC" is all that's needed...

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