On Tue, 30 Oct 2018 21:19:08 +0300, Lev Olshvang said:
> As I stated, I have no option to come to customer and ask to upgrade his
> kernel, but I will try to put his attention to mentioned by you cease of
> security updates.

If you can't get him to upgrade the installed kernel, it's not worth your effort
to backport patches.  And just updating the patches to the 4.2 level doesn't
do your customer any favors, as there's been a lot of security patches
between 4.2 and 4.19.

And many of the important ones do *NOT* apply to the security/ branch of
the tree - it's stuff like the Spectre fixes that show up elsewhere in the tree,
networking fixes that resolve "packet of death" issues, and so on.

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