On Mon, Jun 08, 2020 at 09:28:37PM +0900, Irfan Ullah (울라 이르판) wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am trying to generate the log of instruction pointers (IPs) along with
> corresponding memory accesses (including the page faults) in a sequence for
> a specific application. I have generated the log of page faults along with
> corresponding memory addresses by modifying the Linux Kernel code for a
> specific application, but  I didn't find the location of the
> current instruction pointers along with corresponding memory addresses;
> being analyzing Linux kernel code for more than a week. I think what I need
> is available in the code related to the CPU control unit because it handles
> the fetch-execute cycle; I looked for it but couldn't find the code
> responsible for the fetch-execute cycle in the kernel code.
> Could anyone suggest to me where could I find the current value of  IP
> along with the memory address in the Kernel code?
>  There are some tools available to generate the log of instruction pointers
> with memory accesses but I can't use them because I need a log of memory
> accesses and page faults in exact sequence and order along with
> corresponding IPs.

That's an "odd" requirement, what problem are you trying to solve?

Anyway, have you tried the 'perf' tool?  I think it will provide you
with everything you need here, right?

good luck!

greg k-h

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