> if using a posix thread full fills the requirement of RTOS. The reason
> I want to use RTOS is , I am porting a Microcontroller code using RTOS
> (free RTOS) to Linux and
> afaik FreeRTOS doesnt work on Linux.
> > FreeRTOS is a standalone OS and depending on your system there may be
> > an example running on your architecture in parallel of your embedded
> > Linux. For example, on one of my project with have an ARM Cortex-A7
> > with Linux running in Normal World and FreeRTOS running in Trusted
> > world.
> This is interesting , do you have something to share?
Sorry, this is intellectual property from my company so I can't share
source code but we have started from the FreeRTOS porting sample
related to our architecture. We are working on a ARM Cortex-A7 which
have an isolation between a normal world and a secure world. Linux is
working on the normal world for the UI and FreeRTOS is running on the
secure world. Communication between the two worlds is made by SMC.


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