Hello Naaman,

On first start, KIM is reading a list of RDF files to import in the semantic 
repository from the repository configuration file:  KIM/config/owlim.ttl. You 
can change the list of files to be loaded or modify their content.

When the system is started for the first time, a semantic repository is created 
based on the settings from this configuration file. The subsequent stop/start 
actions are not reading from the file again. They are loading the image of the 
already created repository. So if you change the configuration or data, you 
will have to clear the state of the system. This is done by deleting everything 
under  KIM/context/default/populated/ . It will wipe all data currently in the 
system and the next start will create a fresh repository. All documents 
currently in the system are also removed.

Hope this helps,
Philip Alexiev
Senior Software Engineer

On Jun 19, 2013, at 9:02 PM, "Naaman Musawwir" <naa...@truemeridian.com> wrote:

> Hello there,
> We are in need of adding/deleting some terms in the existing Ontology. Please 
> guide how to do that? Are there some editable files to do that and how can we 
> use those?
> Regards,
> Naaman Musawwir.

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