We rebuilt KLEE again and now it works with the latest version of STP.
KLEE with STP-r940 is still not working but this should be fine now as
we have a working version. Thank you all for the suggestions.

If you are interested in our configuration and how we build and run
KLEE, it is detailed below. All the used scripts and patches are

Machine #1: Ubuntu 13.04 64bit with gcc 4.7.3
Machine #2: Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS 64bit with gcc 4.8.2
(All installed packages are up-to-date.)

  - All dependencies are installed.
  - The following files are placed in the same place with the scripts.
    * llvm-2.9.tgz
    * llvm-gcc4.2-2.9-x86_64-linux.tar.bz2
    * stp-r940.tar.gz

Building Procedure:
  $ ./rebuild-llvm-gcc
  $ ./rebuild-llvm
  $ ./rebuild-stp-r940
  $ ./rebuild-stp-git
  $ ./rebuild-klee-uclibc
  $ ./rebuild-klee-r940
  $ ./rebuild-klee-git
  On Machine #2, I have to copy all .bca files in
klee-*/Release+Asserts/lib from Machine #1. (I don't know why these
files are missing on Machine #2.)

Executing KLEE: Use either run-klee-r940 or run-klee-git.

On both machines, the error occurs when running run-klee-r940 on the
example. run-klee-git works fine on both machines.


Attachment: llvm-2.9-gcc.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: rebuild-klee-git
Description: Binary data

Attachment: rebuild-klee-r940
Description: Binary data

Attachment: rebuild-klee-uclibc
Description: Binary data

Attachment: rebuild-llvm
Description: Binary data

Attachment: rebuild-llvm-gcc
Description: Binary data

Attachment: rebuild-stp-git
Description: Binary data

Attachment: rebuild-stp-r940
Description: Binary data

Attachment: run-klee-git
Description: Binary data

Attachment: run-klee-r940
Description: Binary data

Attachment: stp-r940-bison3.patch
Description: Binary data

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