Hi list,

I'm updating a local Koha installation from "git" to the last commit
available at this time (commit
8f95ec3dbef2cf9bf214fb2b25587f2bb4ebba15 sent by Owen Leonard,
submitted on 20-Apr-2009, "Fix for Bug 3119: Add due date to the
patron circulation history window").

In order to do this, I did a "git pull". I got the expected many lines
of "Getting index for pack", "got", "walk", "create mode", "delete"...

After doing this, I ran the following command:

myhost:~/mykohaclone # perl Makefile.PL --prev-install-log

That command produced the expected output, EXCEPT for the last lines
(that have some information that seems correct BUT other info seems

[Wed Apr 22 11:52:18 2009] Makefile.PL: Warning: prerequisite
DBD::SQLite 1.13 not found. We have 1.11.
[Wed Apr 22 11:52:18 2009] Makefile.PL: Warning: prerequisite
Date::ICal 1.72 not found.
[Wed Apr 22 11:52:18 2009] Makefile.PL: Warning: prerequisite
HTTP::OAI 3.2 not found.
[Wed Apr 22 11:52:19 2009] Makefile.PL: Warning: prerequisite JSON
2.07 not found.
[Wed Apr 22 11:52:20 2009] Makefile.PL: Warning: prerequisite
SMS::Send 0.05 not found.
[Wed Apr 22 11:52:21 2009] Makefile.PL: Warning: prerequisite
XML::SAX::Writer 0.44 not found.
Writing Makefile for koha

OK. My setup is a Linux virtual machine, running SLES (SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server) 10 with SP2 (Service Pack 2) installed.

It is true that I had DBD::SQLite v1.11 installed in the past, from a
RPM package for SLES:

myhost:~/mykohaclone # rpm -qa | grep -i perl-dbd-sqlite

So this first "Warning" line seems CORRECT: I have DBD::SQLite 1.11
installed, but I now need DBD::SQLite 1.13. OK, no problem. I
installed it from CPAN.

Now, the PROBLEM is in the 2nd line. I already have Date::ICal version
1.72 installed, also from a RPM package for SLES:

myhost:~/mykohaclone # rpm -qa | grep -i perl-date-ical

This seems to be confirmed by running the following command:

myhost:~/mykohaclone # locate ICal | grep -i date

So, is this "Warning", during Koha installation, WRONG (regarding
Date::ICal not being installed)?

I have the same problem with SMS::Send. I already have SMS::Send
version 0.05 installed by RPM:

myhost:~/mykohaclone # rpm -qa | grep -i sms

But, as I pointed out above, I also got a Warning message, in this
Koha update, saying that "[Wed Apr 22 11:52:20 2009] Makefile.PL:
Warning: prerequisite SMS::Send 0.05 not found. "

What do you think about this?

Thanks in advance.

Ricardo Dias Marques
lists AT ricmarques DOT net
Installation Guide for Installing Koha 3 on openSUSE 11
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