Hi all

I am discussing the possibility of wrapping the bulkmarcimport.pl
script in a web page with Bob Birchall.

The page would offer a form that contains the command line options
as checkboxes or textboxes as appopriate along with a file input control
to upload a .MRC file.

Upon completion of the form, the web page validates the .MRC as
far as that is possible (hints anyone?) and then passes it on
to bulkmarcimport.pl. The output from the script is captured
and sent back to the the web user.

Seems simple enough. The only problem I imagine encountering is
the web browser timing out for an import that takes a long time.

Any advice and observations from the developers is most welcome.


Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services

Politics is the business of getting power and privilege without
possessing merit.
      -- PJ O'Rourke
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