>Elian & El Duque: Where is Black Leadership?
>        Fri, 4 Feb 2000 01:45:36 -0500
>Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit
>Elian's Tragedy and the Traiterous Behavior of El Duke
>By Dr. Alberto Jones
>During the summer of 1966, as a student in Germany, I went
>through my life most revolting experience, when I visited
>Buchenwald, one of Nazi Germany best known concentration
>camp. Without ever being there, seeing the ovens, the human
>skin lamp shades, the films, it would not be possible to
>fully capture the bestiality in many of us.
>But most difficult to understand was that this extermination
>complex was located a few miles from Weimer, the highly
>educated, cultural center of Germany, where the cream
>of that society, took part regularly in music or arts
>festivals, pretending nothing was wrong or intentionally
>remaining silent, sanctifying such heinous deed.
>Millions of people paid the ultimate price, because of our
>complacency, lack of courage or complicity. Sixty years
>after, it appears we have learned very little from this
>tragedy or as it was then, we are too busy, too selfish
>to care about the suffering of others.
>The tragic events surrounding 6 year old Elian Gonzalez,
>who was found Thanksgiving day clinging to an inner tube
>off the shores of south Florida after the drowning death
>of his mother and 9 others involved in an ill fated, alien
>smuggling attempt, have shocked the conscience of millions
>of people around the world.
>This child, who may have suffered permanent psychological
>trauma and more physical pain than most of us in our
>lifetime, continue to be forcibly retained in a foreign
>environment, surrounded by people he has never seen before,
>turned into a celebrity and plunged into a media frenzy by
>the heartless, vengeful, ultra-right-wing Cuban American
>pseudo-politicians in Miami and New Jersey.
>In order to explain their absurd position, they are
>presenting the most bizarre, baseless arguments; as they
>perceive the well being of the child in direct relation with
>the availability of Nintendo, Tommy's or McDonalds, creating
>an artificial "Dream World" around him, which incidentally,
>does not apply to hundreds of other Cubans, Haitians, Afro
>Americans or poor Anglo children in Miami and every other
>city in this country.
>But what makes this action more despicable, is that they
>are knowingly, systematically applying against this innocent
>child, well established and universally accepted theories of
>"Conditioned Reflexes", which was demonstrated many years
>ago by Pavlov and others.
>By showering this child with an ample variety of foods,
>garments, toys, Disney World etc., they are imprinting in
>his young brain a world he will no longer have, as soon as
>he is returned to his father, creating a vacuum that will be
>replaced by withdrawal, anxiety, depression, or a socially
>unfit time bomb, capable of going off any time.
>Having been in this world for much longer than I would like
>to accept, I have experienced first hand, the brutality,
>cruelty, visciousness that humans are capable of exhibiting.
>But for the most time, we expect to see these subhuman
>behavior associated with civil unrest or other types of
>deranged environment, that may explain in part, such actions.
>But to do that in cold blood to a fragile, timid, scarred
>child, is beyond all humanoid classification of these
>barbarian disguised as teachers, mothers, politicians,
>pediatricians, psychologists, sociologists and even clergy!
>As an Afro Cuban, I am deeply troubled by the casual
>reporting or limited coverage of this horrendous human
>experience in the Black media. With few exceptions,
>prominent leaders with the moral standing capable of
>expressing their disgust, have been conspicuously silent.
>But above and beyond the morality of this issue, no other
>racial/ethnic group in the world, should be more sensitive
>to any perception of forcefully restraining and separating
>family members, base upon our own tragic experience, in
>which, family members were separated and dispersed
>throughout this hemisphere.
>It must be emphasized also, that what is being done to this
>defenseless child by the Cuban American community in Miami,
>is nothing more than a rehash of what they did to the native
>community in Latin America as of 1492, to the African slaves
>as of 1512, to the Afro Cuban community until 1959 in Cuba
>and to the Afro American community in South Florida since
>1960, which they have effectively decimated.
>But if all of the above is nauseating, repugnant; the
>spectacle of watching the Three Kings Parade in Miami,
>in which, New York Yankee Afro Cuban Pitcher "El Duke"
>Hernandez was the Grand Marshall of this event, is probably,
>the greatest offense in my lifetime, to every person of
>African ancestry.
>This individual, through his irresponsible action, has
>tried to obscure or ignore the horrendous racism, ignorance,
>poverty, hunger and the deaths of thousands of children
>through preventible causes inflicted on our people by these
>criminals when they owned the lives and property in Cuba.
>This traitor cannot deny that if he did not feel it himself,
>he never heard from his parents, neighbors, how it was and
>what these people did to us.
>These Miami, Cuban-Americans, rightfully driven out of
>Cuba FOREVER, were the enforcers and perpetrators of our
>29% illiteracy rate, 24% infant mortality, segregated
>neighborhoods, beaches, clubs. Forced us to live in huts
>without electricity, running water, sewer, no jobs, and
>openly prohibited us to work in department stores, banks,
>office settings or even drive a provincial bus.
>These are the same individuals that forced Nat King Cole,
>Josephine Baker and other luminaries, to use the kitchen
>door in order to enter the night club where they were to
>perform. These are the same individuals that bragged that
>their puppet President Batista, was denied entry in the
>Havana Yatch Club.
>These are the same individuals, that when beaches and clubs
>were integrated in Cuba in 1960, they UNANIMOUSLY refused to
>enter to these places and renamed them SOLOVANNICHE. Later,
>we were able to unscramble this as SOLO VAN NICHE or ONLY
>But what makes more blatant, offensive and painful the
>irresponsible behavior of "El Duque" is the extensive
>and proud history of Black Cubans, who since the Ladder
>Conspiracy against slavery have crafted one of the most
>dignified, honorable and heroic history in this hemisphere.
>No Afro Cuban can ever forgive the affront to the memory
>of Antonio Maceo, Guillermon Moncada or Quintin Banderas.
>Mariana Grajales, the Black mother of the Cuban Nation,
>who gave the lives of 9 members of her family in the war
>of independence, may have cried for the first time in her
>life, to know, that such a THING, could be one of us!
>But his indignity has no parallel. Made drunk by the few
>millions paid to him by his team owners, he feels compelled
>to be on his knees, to accept his self inflicted inferiority,
>to forgive and forget our history.
>Jesus Menendez, the sugar industry union leader, with
>approximately the same or less level of education than this
>other Personality, but with an absolute sense of dignity,
>self respect and love for his nation, was called to the
>White House, -- not for the 6 million that is paid to "El
>Duque" -- he was handed a blank, signed, Federal Check for
>him to fill out and stop the strike in Cuba. He refused the
>check, returned to Cuba and under orders "from above" was
>shot as he detrained in the station in Mazanillo.
>Jesus Menendez is another of the endless list of Afro Cubans
>heros who Cubans respect, admire and imitates on a daily
>basis. "El Duque" will be remembered by the Cubans for
>opposite reasons!
>I am forced to admit, that the actions of "El Duque" Hernandez,
>have created in me the same revolting experience as the one I
>experienced in Buchenwald 35 years ago and never thought I
>would ever have to relive!
>Dr. Alberto Jones is a member of the West Indian Welfare
>Society in the city of Guantanamo, Cuba who now resides in
>northern Florida. He is an activist with strong communal
>ties to his homeland, Cuba, and is the director of the
>Caribbean American Children's Foundation as well as a
>director of the Cuban American Alliance Education Fund.
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