>Up to 10,000 Protest in Bulgaria
>SOFIA, Bulgaria (AP) -- Up to 10,000 people gathered in downtown Sofia
>on Wednesday to protest the country's unemployment, poverty and
>temporary-employment contracts.
>The rally started with 2,000 marching in the capital's main streets,
>waving purple union banners with slogans reading: ''No to poverty'' and
>''We want jobs and a decent living, not charity.''
>The march was organized by the main Confederation of Independent Unions,
>which claims over 1 million members.
>Bulgaria's government, which has been implementing an International
>Monetary Fund-advised austerity program, is facing rising public
>resentment because it has failed to raise living standards and deliver a
>promised economic growth of 4 to 5 percent a year. Last year's growth in
>gross domestic product was 2.5 percent.
>State company closures led to massive layoffs. In January, there were
>657,100 out of work, or 17.2 percent of the workforce in this country of
>8.2 million. That's up from 14.2 percent in September.
>Union leader Zhelyazko Hristov argued on state radio that the real
>unemployment rate was about 25 percent, because many people without jobs
>were not counted in state statistics.
>Hristov added that 680,000 employees worked with temporary short-term
>employment contracts, which employers may easily refuse to renew if
>workers as too demanding about their rights.
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