>subject: Cuba press release 53b
>HAVANA.- Cuban President Fidel Castro announced that Juan Miguel
>Gonzalez, father of child Elian, is ready to go the U.S. to take care
>of his son. During a television round table discussion, the
>President said that Gonzalez could travel accompanied by the
>indispensable people according to the opinion of doctors,
>psychiatrists and psychologists to proceed, without losing any
>minute, for the readaptation of the minor to his family. This would
>be a trip to get the boy back, awaiting for the result of the
>appeal process in Atlanta, which would require of various weeks,
>affirmed Fidel Castro. During the debate, the Cuban President
>denounced Cuban  American National Foundation (CANF) plans in the
>person of late Jorge Mas Canosa former bodyguard to keep Elian. The
>Cuban leader also  revealed Cuban intelligence reports according to
>which the CANF wanted to hide the minor in a third country to avoid
>the action of the U.S. justice in the case of a decision against
>their interests on the part of the Atlanta's court.
>WASHINGTON.- U.S. President Bill Clinton urged the Cuban child
>Elian Gonzalez' retainers to fulfill the law if they lost his
>custody, and he also discouraged the civil disobedience in Miami
>which could be originated from the case. During a press conference
>held at the White House, the President recalled it is about a legal
>process and as such, the Florida based Gonzalez family should obey
>the Appeal Court of Atlanta, Georgia, the last judicial level to
>which the plaintiffs could appeal to seek for the extension of
>the minor's custody. "The law should prevail in this case which I
>have tried not to politicize", said Clinton, who together with Janet
>Reno, U.S. Attorney General, was pronounced in favor the child's
>return to Cuba.
>MANAGUA.- Cuban Reverend Jose Luis Soto a "Una cita with Dios"
>(An Appointment with God) International Council director said in
>Managua that Cuban child Elian Gonzalez must return to his father and
>that has no further arguments. The Cuban Reverend, who has lived in
>the U.S. for almost 30 years and is in Managua in an evangelic
>mission, said the law has been established and the U.S. Attorney
>General, Janet Reno has already confirmed it: Elian must be return to
>his father. Then he said that the Cuban minor must legally return to
>his father, and that has not further arguments. But other sectors and
>factors favored by the U.S. legal system, which can not be violated
>by Reno, President Bill Clinton or anybody, are being used by Elian's
>Miami based distant relatives.
>HAVANA.- U.S. lawyer Jose Pertierra considered as irresponsible
>the behaviour of Miami based mayors, who during a press conference
>affirmed they will not cooperate with Elian Gonzalez' return.
>Interviewed over the phone during a round table discussion, the
>lawyer confirmed that they are just creating a political and legal
>chaos. The presence of Miami based police is not required, it will be
>enough with the federal governors, he said. They have challenged the
>own U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, and even President Bill Clinton
>would have the national guard option to interfere, but it is not
>about this, he added. According to the lawyer, those legislators
>should recognize that Miami is part of this country and they should
>follow the law.
> HAVANA.- The uncertainty on whether the Cuban child Elian
>Gonzalez' retainers will continue challenging the U.S. authorities
>and which the reaction of the U.S. Immigration Service and the
>Attorney General will be, prevails in Cuba. At dawn, the most
>frequent question amongst those who were on the streets to go to
>work, was if the great-uncles who illegally retain the minor in Miami
>will sign or not the commitment that they will accept the decision by
>the appeal court of Atlanta. The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization
>Service (INS) warned the Miami based family that if they do not
>fulfill the commitment, the temporary permit granted to the child
>to remain in the U.S. will be withdrawn, and they will only wait
>until Thursday at 09:00.
>WASHINGTON.- The U.S. influential daily The New York Times said that
>the distant relatives who illegally retained Cuban child Elian
>Gonzalez in Miami should accept the minor's return to Cuba. The paper
>also presented, on its opinion pages, an article from Colombian
>writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez previously published by Latin American
>dailies, in which the author affirms, in a figurative way, that Elian
>really shipwrecked when he was taken to U.S. dry land. On its
>editorial, The New York Times yesterday underlined that the minor's
>relatives, which according to Cuba, who still maintain the boy
>held in Miami, should "accept that him return to his father in Cuba
>if their appeal to the court of Atlanta, Georgia does not favor them.
>SWITZERLAND.- Cuba branded U.S. accusations of alleged human
>rights violations a political manipulation to justify its aggression
>against the Island. In a speech at the 56th Session of the Human
>Rights Commission (HRC) here, Cuban Ambassador, Carlos Amat, affirmed
>this accusation is a slander to hide and justify its hostile behavior
>against Cuba. Amat stated that although the US compromises the
>dignity and independence of other countries, this time Poland and the
>Czech Republic, by dictating their presentation of a new resolution
>against Cuba, everyone in the United Nations knows who is responsible
>for such accusation against the island.
>GENEVA.- Cuban Foreign Affairs Felipe Perez Roque said that he will
>denounce here the Cuban child Elian Gonzalez' kidnap in the U.S. and
>will combat another resolution Washington is trying to impose against
>the island in the UN Human Rights Commission (UNHRC) . In an
>exclusive statement in this Swiss city, where he arrived last night
>to speak today at the 56th UNHRC Session, Perez Roque emphasized that
>the boy's prolonged illegal retention in the U.S. is one of the most
>serious human rights violations ever against a minor. He explained
>that the Elian's case continues to be delayed in detriment of six-
>year old boy's health and mental condition, and in favor of a mafia
>group who is keeping him kidnapped in Miami and who want to
>prevent his return to his father and his close relatives in Cuba.
>MEXICO CITY.- Cuban leader Jorge Risquet Valdes assured here that
>there will not be a restoration of capitalism in Cuba because  the
>revolution will not be defeated despite US promulgation of laws
>reinforcing the economic blockade. The Central Committee member of
>the Cuban Communist Party said that amidst the countless difficulties
>of the last few years Cuba has managed to stop the economic decline
>by adopting measures to restart recovery and find new markets and
>commercial partners. During a master class on political systems at
>the Mexican Autonomous University Law School, Risquet condemned the
>US Helms-Burton Act, which strengthens US economic siege and creates
>new sanctions for those who negotiate or invest in Cuba. DPTO.


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