DPRK News April 5

Kim Jong Il sends wreath to bier of Jong Myong Hui

9th DPRK-Japan intergovernmental full-dress talks held

Head of DPRK government delegation calls press conference

2nd day sitting of 3rd session of 10th SPA held

Fish farms to be built in Pyongyang

Anniversary of public health law commemorated

Challenge of U.S. and S. Korea to measure of KPA navy blasted

Projected U.S.-S. Korea joint biochemical war exercise

Preparatory committees formed

Three-point charter of national reunification supported abroad

China donates apple saplings to DPRK

Kim Jong Il sends wreath to bier of Jong Myong Hui

    Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il yesterday
sent a wreath to the bier of the late
Jong Myong Hui, president of the Korea Foreign Insurance Company and deputy
to the DPRK Supreme People's
Assembly, expressing deep condolences over his death.

9th DPRK-Japan intergovernmental full-dress talks held

    Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- The 9th intergovernmental full-dress talks
between the Democratic People's
Republic of Korea and Japan were held here today.
    Present at the talks were members of the DPRK government delegation led
by Jong Thae Hwa, roving
ambassador of the Foreign Ministry, and members of the Japanese government
delegation led by Kojiro Takano,
ambassador of the Japanese Foreign Ministry for negotiations on the
establishment of diplomatic ties between Japan
and the DPRK.
    The heads of the government delegations of the two countries made
statements which were followed by an
exchange of views.
    The talks proceeded in a sincere atmosphere.

Head of DPRK government delegation calls press conference

    Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- Roving ambassador of the DPRK Foreign
Ministry Jong Thae Hwa who is
heading the DPRK government delegation to the ninth intergovernmental
full-dress talks between the DPRK and
Japan called a press conference at the People's Palace of Culture today.
    Present there were Korean media-persons, Japanese reporters and foreign
correspondents here.
    Jong Thae Hwa briefed them on the talks which took place today.
    He referred to the review made of what was discussed in the preceding
talks and a lesson drawn from them.
    He said:
    Till the 8th round of the talks the two sides only got a deep
understanding of each other's stand in the course of
debate on a series of matters in the relations between the two countries.
The talks failed to produce any result,
leaving an infamous blot called rupture. This was chiefly because the
Japanese side did not approach the talks from
an independent stand and attitude.
    If both sides follow the same course as the previous talks did, they
will only spark distrust, confrontation and
clash and result in repeating the disgraceful history.
    Touching on the issue of Japan's liquidation of its past, the core
issue at the talks, he clarified that the DPRK
side pushed for including in this issue four points--apology and
compensation for human and material losses, return
of cultural treasures and compensation for them and improvement of the
legal status of Korean nationals in
Japan--and discussing and settling them before anything else at the talks.
    Pointing out that the apology must be made by the head of the Japanese
government before the establishment of
relations between the two countries, he held that it must be specified in
the final document to be adopted as regards
the establishment of the relations.
    He stressed that the DPRK-Japan relations will depend on the attitude
of Japan towards the issue of apology as
material compensation without apology is not repentance of the past, but
mere economic business.
    He clarified the DPRK's stand on the principle of settling the issue of
compensation as follows:
    Firstly, the issue of compensation should be settled on the principle
of the assailant in the past compensating the
victim with repentance and sincerity and making this process a cornerstone
for establishing good neighborly
relations between the two countries.
    Secondly, as the actual damage including mental damage can neither be
calculated mathematically nor everything
be restored to its original state, this issue should be settled in such a
way as to commit Japan to estimating the
amount to be compensated adequately enough to convince the victim of it
and, at the same time, paying it sufficiently
enough to say it is sincere.
    Thirdly, Japan should make effective compensation in the shortest
possible time in serious consideration of the
fact that it has refused to make compensation to the DPRK for nearly half a
    As regards cultural treasures, he said that this is important part of
the issue of Japan's redressing its past
pending full settlement between the DPRK and Japan as this is related to
the mental, cultural and material damage
which Japan inflicted upon the Korean people in the cultural aspect and
specific articles belonging to cultural
treasures which Japan destroyed and looted during half a century of its
rule over Korea.
    As regards the issue of cultural treasures, he clarified the principled
demands of the DPRK as follows:
    Firstly, Japan should formally apologize for destroying and looting
huge cultural treasures in the past as part of
its policy of obliterating the Korean nation.
    Secondly, it should make adequate material compensation for the
destroyed cultural treasures.
    Thirdly, all the looted cultural treasures must be returned.
    He stressed that as the destruction and looting of cultural treasures
were the products of imperial Japan's state
policy, the Japanese government should be entirely responsible for the
return of cultural treasures and compensation
for the destroyed ones and settle the issue in such a way as to convince
the Korean people of it.
    Turning to the legal status of the Korean nationals in Japan, he said
that this problem originated from Japan's
military occupation of Korea and the unprecedentedly harsh rule of the
occupationists. In this regard he clarified the
principled stand of our side as follows:
    Firstly, the Japanese government should politically and morally
apologize and materially compensate for the
immeasurable political pain and huge material loss imposed upon the Koreans
in Japan while pursuing a national
discrimination policy against them before and after Korean liberation.
    Secondly, it should put an end to the hostile policy against the DPRK
and Chongryon (General Association of
Korean Residents in Japan) and all sorts of national contempt and
discrimination against the Koreans in Japan,
recognize their DPRK nationality and, at the same time, take ethical, moral
and legal measures for their generous and
preferential treatment so that they can lead a stable life.
    Thirdly, it should root out the unreasonable political persecution of
the Koreans in Japan and acts of alienating
and disintegrating the Korean community and abandon the policy of
obliterating the Korean nation aimed to
assimilate the Koreans in Japan to Japanese.
    He recalled that our side strongly demanded the Japanese side come out
for an early settlement of the issue of
legal status of the Koreans in Japan from a proper stand and attitude
towards the issue of Japan's liquidation of its
past and proposed to adopt a separate legal document related to this.
    Lastly, he stressed the need for both sides of the talks to put an end
to the one century-long unsavory history of
the DPRK-Japan relations without fail by displaying all their wisdom and
will in compliance with the requirements
and interests of the two peoples desirous of the normalization of the
DPRK-Japan relations.
    Then he answered questions put by the reporters.

2nd day sitting of 3rd session of 10th SPA held

    Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- The second day sitting of the 3rd session
of the 10th Supreme People's
Assembly of the DPRK was held today.
    Han Song Ryong, chairman of the SPA budget committee, made a report on
the deliberation on the first item
"on the summing up of the fulfillment of the state budget for Juche 88
(1999) and on the state budget for Juche 89
(2000) in the DPRK."
    Then followed speeches on the item.
    Speakers noted that last year's state budget provided a sure financial
guarantee for the struggle of the Korean
people to consolidate the economic foundation of the country, firmly defend
the bulwark of socialism and pave the
way for the building of a powerful nation under the leadership of the
Worker's Party of Korea.
    They unanimously supported and seconded this year's state budget,
saying that it was correctly worked out in
such a way as to financially back the struggle of the Korean people to
thoroughly implement the line of attaching
great importance to ideology, the military and science and technology and
thus speed up the advance for
accomplishing the cause of building a powerful nation and glorify the WPK's
55th anniversary as a grand festival of
proud victors.
    The session discussed the second item "on approving the laws adopted by
the presidium of the DPRK spa
during its recess."
    Kim Yun Hyok, secretary of the presidium of the spa, made a report on
the second item.
    He said that educational law, law on foreign-related economic
arbitration, and civil aviation law of the DPRK to
be submitted for approval of the current spa session by its presidium, are
of great significance in accelerating the
building of a powerful socialist nation and rounding off the Juche-oriented
socialist legal system.
    The reporter proposed the spa approval of the laws adopted by the
presidium of the DPRK SPA during its
recess, according to article 91 of the socialist constitution, saying that
the SPA presidium adopted these laws after
the deliberation by the SPA legislation committee.
    The session goes on.

Fish farms to be built in Pyongyang

    Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- With an eye on the upcoming 55th
anniversary of the Worker's Party of Korea,
fish farms are under construction in various places of Pyongyang.
    The Sonnae youth fish farm will appear in an area of ten hectares in
the open space stretching from the Ansan
bridge, the point of convergence of taedong and Pothong rivers, to the
Pothong riverside. Designed to feed on the
backwater of Pothong, it will have some 20 ponds for natural feed,
artificial feed, isolation and ornament, as well as
an observation platform and office building. The fish will be bred fast on
the feed extracted from sewage and
microorganisms and the fully grown will be stocked in the isolation ponds
for timely supply to the citizens.
    Another fish farm 20 hectares wide is now being built at Honam of the
Jangsuwon cooperative farm in Samsok
    The lowland pools and natural ponds will be dug out deeper and linked
to one another to create several breeding
    Still another project is under way on the Hapjang riverside in
Ryongsong district. It will feed on river and
underground water.
    The on-going projects keep abreast of effective steps to secure
fingerlings and feed.

Anniversary of public health law commemorated

    Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- A national meeting was held at the Grand
People's Study House on April 4 to
commemorate the 20th anniversary of the promulgation of the public health
law provided by the President Kim Il
    The President saw to it that the public health law was adopted at the
fourth session of the 6th Supreme People's
Assembly in April, Juche 69 (1980), and published the celebrated work "Let
Us Implement the Public Health Law
to the Letter" indicating the tasks and way to thoroughly implement it.
    The law expounds issues of training health workers, developing the
medical science and technology, ensuring
the material conditions and solving all the problems arising in protecting
and improving the life and health of the
working people by their own efforts to suit our specific conditions.
    It also stipulates the rights of all the people to enjoy all kinds of
medical benefits to their heart's content
including the right to receive complete free medical treatment without any
discrimination and the right to receive the
protection of their health by the policy on preventive medicine. And it
defines the material and technical conditions to
ensure them practically.
    Minister of public health Kim Su Hak made a report at the meeting. He
stressed that malignant diseases
disappeared long time ago in the DPRK and there is no patient who suffers
from social diseases including pollution
diseases which are sources of harm to the lives of people. These facts
clearly demonstrate the vitality of the public
health law and the superiority of our public health system, he noted.
    The death rate decreased more than a quarter and life expectancy at
birth increased nearly two times over that
before the liberation of the country.
    Present at the meeting was Choe Thae Bok, secretary of the Central
Committee of the Worker's Party of Korea.

Challenge of U.S. and S. Korea to measure of KPA navy blasted

    Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- The central committee of the Democratic
Front for the Reunification of the
Fatherland released a statement on Tuesday assailing the U.S. and the South
Korean authorities for challenging the
"order of navigating to and from five islands" at the West Sea of Korea
proclaimed by the navy command of the
Korean People's Army as an important measure.
    The statement said the proclamation of this order is a very just
measure to avert the danger of armed clash at the
west sea and ensure peace and security on the Korean peninsula and Asia in
keeping with the desire and aspiration
of the Korean nation for peace and peaceful reunification.
    The statement went on:
    However, the U.S. and the South Korean authorities are amassing armed
forces at the West Sea of Korea and
staging war exercises at the east and west sea of Korea, letting loose such
bellicose and provocative remarks as
regards the DPRK's important step as "North Korea should understand the
actual existence of the "Northern Limit
Line" and "they will make strong retaliation."
    This is exacerbating the situation. The statement dismissed these moves
as dangerous moves to spark another
armed clash at the west sea and ignite a new war with it as a momentum.
    If they violate the "order of navigating to and from five islands" even
a bit, insisting on the illegal "Northern
Limit Line" which no one recognizes in disregard of the DPRK's just
measure, the people and revolutionary armed
forces of the DPRK will retaliate against them without warning.

Projected U.S.-S. Korea joint biochemical war exercise

    Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- The U.S. forces command in South Korea
reportedly announced that the
U.S.-South Korea joint military exercise would be staged in mid-April under
the simulated conditions of an
operation to repel someone's "biochemical attack."
    The command's assertion that it is a drill for "decontamination" is
chicanery. It is, in fact, a rehearsal for a
biochemical warfare to be waged in their war against the DPRK.
    In recent years the U.S. and the South Korean warmongers have often
spread a false rumour about the DPRK's
"biochemical attack" and "bacillus anthracis" and frantically pushed ahead
with their preparations for a biochemical
war under this pretext.
    The United States has massively transferred new technology for the
manufacture of germ and poisonous
substance to South Korea and, at the same time, organized chemical units
for a biochemical war under the U.S. 19th
theatre supporting command in South Korea.
    Keeping pace with these moves, the South Korean warmongers are working
hard to develop and update
biochemical weapons, calling for their "strong biochemical war capacity".
Particularly, the "State Health Agency"
and "Defence Science Institute" of South Korea are stepping up preparations
for a biochemical war, developing
anthrax vaccine by themselves.
    The U.S.-South Korea joint military exercise to be staged against this
background cannot but arouse our
precaution as it is designed to finally examine their preparations for a
chemical war and make a preliminary test of
    The projected biochemical war is an unpardonable criminal act which
will bring serious disasters to the Korean
    The U.S. and South Korean warmongers should discontinue at once these
criminal moves for a biochemical
war if they do not wish to face a stern judgement of history.

Preparatory committees formed

    Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- Preparatory committees were formed in
Cambodia and Denmark on March 29
to commemorate Sun's Day, the birth anniversary of the President Kim Il Sung.
    The general secretary of the Funcinpec Party who is also vice-premier
and Minister of Education, Youth and
Sports was elected chairman of the committee in Cambodia and the chairman
of the Denmark-DPRK Friendship
Association chairman of the committee in Denmark.
    The committees decided to hold colorful functions on Sun's Day.

Three-point charter of national reunification supported abroad

   Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- The Arab Socialist Baath Party of Syria,
the Nepal Communist Party (United
Marxist-Leninist) and the National Liberal Students League of Nepal
participated in the international signature
campaign for supporting the DPRK's three-point charter of national
    The signature paper was signed by Saif Addin Fatun, secretary of the
foreign relations department of the
national leadership of the Arab Socialist Baath Party of Syria, on behalf
of 1,500,000 party members on March 23
and by Madhav Kumar Nepal, general secretary of the central committee of
the Nepal Communist Party (United
Marxist-Leninist), on behalf of 300,000 party members and Hikmat Karki,
chairman of the National Liberal
Students League of Nepal, on behalf of 400,000 league members as of March 29.

China donates apple saplings to DPRK

    Sinuiju, April 4 (KCNA) -- A presenting ceremony of 20,000 apple
saplings donated to the north Phyongan
provincial people's committee of the DPRK by the Liaoning provincial
people's government of China was held in
Sinuiju today.
    Addressing the ceremony, the deputy director of the foreign affairs
office of the Liaoning provincial people's
government said that the LPPG is offering apple saplings to the north
Phyongan provincial people's committee with
a view to developing the traditional China-DPRK friendship which was
established and brought into bloom by
esteemed chairman Mao Zedong, premier Zhou Enlai and the President Kim Il
Sung and other revolutionaries of the
old generation, and friendly relations between the peoples in Liaoning and
north Phyongan provinces.
    He sincerely wished the fraternal Korean people greater success in
socialist construction under the wise
leadership of the great leader Kim Jong Il.
    Then a donation note and apple saplings were delivered.


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