----- Original Message -----
From: Claudia K White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 8:11 PM
Subject: [STOPNATO] Fwd: [Eternera] Racism a possible issue in reservation bordertown


  These types of murders are also reported along the mexico borders.  United States
Politicians turn their heads to the loss of lives.  Law Enforcment agents and the
police are buried in paper work and either do not care or will not take the time to
investigate such crimes.
  Now the American people are united, the Labor Unions, Ethnic Groups, as well as
Church groups.  We have combined forces to let the US Politicians no how we want to be
REPRESENTED, but our cries fall on the deaf ears of the CORPORATE FUNDED Democracy
that now exisits in the United States.... 1000's of emails have been sent to Congress,
the House Of Representatives, local state and city governments,  Millions of
signatures are on petitions; Still the United States government will not respond to
the voice of the people.  THIS IS NOT DEMOCRACY, but IMPERIALISM.
  In 1992 on MTV William Jefferson Clinton said "The United States Constitution is a
radical document.  Its the job of the governemtn to reign in the rights of the
people".  The United States Constitution is the law of the land in the United States,
and is about DEMOCRACY!
  The United States is a DEMOCRACY!  In Democracy the supreme power is retained by the
PEOPLE! Not by crooked politicians, nor the criminalized police forces that protect
  Please support the GOP Demonstration for Democracy!!!!!

In Solidarity,
Claudia White
Salt Lake City, Utah

--------- Forwarded Message ---------

DATE: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 10:22:06
From: "Paul Pureau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Eternera Mailing List - http://get.to/eternera

http://www.indiancountry today.com

Racism a possible issue in reservation bordertown murders
               Debra Krol
               Times correspondent

               Photo by Debra Krol of Indian Country

                                                    This convenience store
was the last
                                                    place Betty Lee was seen
alive. She
                                                    was kidnapped and
murdered June 9.

               Photo by Debra Krol of Indian Country

                                                    The body of Donald
Tsosie, 40,
                                                    Ganada, Ariz., was found
in Head
                                                    Canyon near Farmington's
                                                    Highway in April, 1998.

                 FARMINGTON, N.M. - Often a hotbed of Native American unrest
and difficulty,
               Farmington is once again in the news with the spotlight on
two murders under
               investigation as possible hate crimes against Navajo

                 Leslie Engh, 24, Kirtland, and Robert "Bobbie" Fry, 27,
Farmington, were
               arrested June 11 and charged with first-degree murder,
kidnapping, attempted
               criminal sexual penetration and tampering with evidence in
the June 9 death of
               Betty Lee, 36, of Shiprock, the mother of five.

                 Preliminary hearings are pending. Both men are being held
in the San Juan
               County Detention Center, without bond, in solitary

                 On further investigation, the men also were charged with
               murder, kidnapping, attempted armed robbery and tampering
with evidence in
               the April 1998 death of Donald Tsosie, 40, Ganado, Ariz.

                 Deputy District Attorney June Stein said the murders of Lee
and Tsosie are
               not known to be linked to other disappearances or deaths in
the Farmington
               and San Juan County area.

                 "Do we have, at this point, any firm evidence of their
connection to other
               crimes, no. Are other crimes being looked at, yes."

                 The possibility remains the instances of violence have been
racially motivated.
               "I certainly think that that is a possibility," San Juan
Sheriff's Detective Bob
               Melton said. "We are certainly not excluding that as a
possibility in our
               investigation. I don't think we could. ... Any time you have
that kind of anger
               and that kind of rage - and the random nature - you have the
possibility [of
               pattern killings].

                 "The unfortunate thing is, when you have physical evidence
collected at
               these other scenes and time has passed, our best opportunity
to link him to
               other crimes and homicides is that people will come forward."

                 Court documents show Engh told officers he left a
convenience store at the
               intersection of Route 64 and Apache Street and found Fry
speaking to Lee who
               was crying, having been stranded. He said Fry told her, "He
hated to see a
               woman cry," and offered to take her as far as Kirtland. En
route, he said Fry
               turned off on a road south of the area known as "Twin Peaks"
and ended up in
               a dry wash.

                 Engh said Fry stopped the car; Lee tried to escape and was
stopped. She got
               back in the car when Fry again told her he'd take her to
Kirtland, he said. Then
               Fry got out and pulled Lee from the passenger seat by the
hair "and stabbed
               her in the chest with a knife," the document continued. "The
female then
               struggled free and managed to pull the knife from her chest,
throwing it in the
               direction of the ravine."

                 Reports indicated most of the victim's clothes were removed
in the struggles.
               They were found strewn around the scene.

                 Engh told officers Lee again managed to free herself and
attempted to run to
               the highway.

                 "Fry went to the rear of the car, extracted a sledge hammer
and chased after
               [her]," Engh said. He told officers Fry ordered him to search
for the knife. Engh
               reported he heard Lee screaming and saw Fry swinging the
sledge hammer
               "downward in the direction where the female was lying."

                 In police interviews, Fry denied ever meeting Lee. He
indicated he was in the
               area of the crime only to "relieve himself" after giving Engh
a ride home to

                 Documents show Fry's vehicle got stuck in the wash and he
contacted his
               mother, Gloria Fry, head of the Adult Misdemeanor Probation
Department for
               San Juan County. She picked him up in the early morning
hours. Later when
               they attempted to free Fry's car, Gloria Fry's vehicle got
stuck. They returned
               with Fry's father James' vehicle, which got stuck. A tow
truck called bogged
               down in the sandy wash and a second tow truck was needed to
free all four

                 During all of this activity, Lee's naked, bloody and beaten
form lay hidden in
               the wash.

                 A Public Service employee, checking power lines in the Twin
Peaks area
               discovered the body about 7:30 a.m. June 9. Officers found a
cellular telephone
               dropped by the first tow-truck operator.

                 Combined efforts of the San Juan County Sheriff's
Department and the
               Navajo Nation, where Lee had two brothers working as officers
and a sister
               who is the chief criminal investigator for the Navajo Nation
Police, brought a
               quick resolution to the investigation. Engh was in jail on an
unrelated charge
               and Fry was arrested at his Farmington home June 11.

                 Hours after Engh was officially charged in the Lee case, he
               information concerning the death of Tsosie. He told officers
he and Fry "spotted
               an Indian" walking near a tavern on Main Street and offered
him a ride. He
               claimed Fry, who was driving, struck the victim in the face
and ordered Engh, in
               the back seat, to choke Tsosie with his belt.

                 The affidavit filed in District Court shows Tsosie fought
back. Fry stopped the
               car and dragged the victim out of the vehicle and onto the
ground and "was
               beating him with a stick," Engh said. When Tsosie got the
upper hand, Engh
               said Fry ordered him to strike the man in the back with a
shovel, which Engh
               did. He said Fry struck Tsosie on the head, legs and back
with the shovel before
               stabbing him with the stick in the eyes and in the crotch.

                 The affidavit shows the men searched Tsosie for money, but
found nothing.
               They pushed his body off a 30-foot cliff in Head Canyon where
it was discovered
               April 29, 1998.

                 Melton said Fry and Engh could fit the profile of serial

                 "I think there's certainly a possibility," he said, "We are
certainly not ruling
               out that they could have been involved in other homicides.

                 Employment records on the two men are sketchy. Engh appears
to be
               unemployed, while Fry recently went to work for a local
construction company.
               Both graduated from Farmington High School and were raised in
the area.

                 Melton appealed "to anyone with information about these
cases or anything
               possibly related to them to do the right thing and come

                 The number for the San Juan Sheriff's Department is (505)

 --------- End Forwarded Message ---------
Web Read Main Line News:
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Stop the US Bombing of Vieques & use of depleted uranium!
Pray for the Dine'h and traditional Hopi at Big Mountain, AZ, USA.
UN draft declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples, Article 10:
"Indigenous Peoples shall not be forcibly removed from their lands or
territories. No relocations shall take place without the free and in-
formed consent of the Indigenous Peoples concerned ....(...)........."
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