>                         http://www.greenleft.org.au
>                                  *
>                            Green Left Weekly,
>                                 Issue #413
>                               July 26, 2000
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>Green Left Weekly provides news, information, opinion and debate from an
>environmental and left perspective.
>Supposedly part of ensuring public ``security'' during the Olympic Games in
>Sydney, the NSW government has recently passed various pieces of
>legislation which give the state unprecedented powers to weaken civil
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>*`Secret' Olympics police state laws revealed
>*FIDEL CASTRO: cancel Third World debt, end corporate tyranny
>*KURDISTAN: PUK closes women's shelter
>*INDONESIA: Police launch deadly attack on peasant protest
>*SOUTH AFRICA: Mbeki's AIDS stance slammed
>*OKINAWA: Thousands protest against G8 summit
>*VIETNAM: Trade agreement with US sparks debate
>*SYRIA: al-Assad junior ascends the throne
>*SYRIA: Baath Party renounces socialist agenda
>*International news briefs: Indonesia, Britain, Ecuador
>*UNITED STATES: Race and class -- The politics of death
>*UNITED STATES: Consumer groups launch anti-GE campaign
>*PACIFIC: `We want to be nuclear free and independent'
>*PHILIPPINES: Protesters disrupt Congress
>*SOUTH KOREA: Workers mobilise against repression
>*EAST TIMOR: The meaning of reconciliation
>*INDONESIA: Activists demand an end to corruption
>*INDONESIA: US resumes military ties
>*INDONESIA: New labour bill rejected by unions
>*EAST TIMOR: Unanswered questions on transition
>*INDONESIA: PRD seeks justice for 1996 attack
>*People, get ready for S11
>*Secondary students won't be intimidated
>*Unionists Against Corporate Tyranny to be launched
>*How fair is `fair trade'?
>*Who the EFIC are you?
>*Who trusts the government?
>*DANUNDA: The country that won the competition
>*Blue stockings of the world unite!
>*Mayor defends Townsville homophobia
>*Globalisation's myths revealed
>*Darwin council cracks down on free speech
>*BHP plans to sack 800 workers
>*S11 Alliance pickets Downer
>*Farmers' GE objections knocked down
>*Asylum seekers threaten hunger strike
>*Students, staff win at Murdoch
>*Pie workers get the union of their choice
>*It's unanimous: no more women's prisons!
>*Workers protest student association merger
>*Friends of the Earth and GLW to hold joint conference
>*Perth Global Action conference
>*Radical Indonesian trade union leaders to tour
>*Green Left Weekly available on CD-Rom
>*Insurge: Globalise this!
>*Theatre, money and privilege
>*The puppet in Pakistani politics
>*Tear out your eyes
>*Bougainville film shows courage and community
>*Rage Against the Machine: Exploding like a sonic Molotov cocktail
>*Undercurrents wants your videos of protest
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>Articles posted are as they were before proofreading, and prior to any
>final changes in the printed version.
>All articles appearing in Green Left Weekly, and reprinted here, are
>copyright by their authors. However, most regular contributors have granted
>permission for their work to be republished by non-profit green, left,
>human rights or generally progressive publications.
>Where such permission has NOT been granted, articles are marked with the
>symbol && in the index above. Before reprinting such an article, or if
>uncertain whether your publication is allowed to reprint, please inquire by
>e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>ALL cartoons are copyright and must not be reproduced without permission of
>the artist.
>  We like to know what audiences we are reaching, and would therefore
>appreciate being informed of any republication (in print or
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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