To Working Class and Revolutionist Public Opinion

The imperialism of USA that keeps up the leadership of imperialist,
capitalist world showed TKEP/Leninist like a "terrorist" organization. The
Pentagon which is the center of imperialist assault had showed PKK which is
in Kurdhistan and DHKP-C which is in Turkey like terrorist, too. The
imperialism of USA is keeping up the aggressive attitude which is about
this subject for years for other revolutionist organizations and
organizations which are struggle to imperialism. For example EZLN, MRTA and
other revolutionist, anti imperialist organized movements always was the
target for imperialism and collaborators. Cuba, Population Republic of
Democratic Korea and Libya are showed like target for imperialism of USA.
However there are some Islamic organizations and countries in Pentagon’s
aggression list, real target are communist, revolutionist anti imperialist
organizations and countries.

The list that was prepared by Pentagon which is a center of militarist
aggression for all of the world peoples who are oppressed is ideological,
politics and military aggression and oppression of all the imperialist,
capitalist world and is saved from revolutionist people movements in every
country in the end. In last year, in the raid which was to Japan embassy in
Peru the aggression which was to MRTA’s brave warriors was planed by
imperialism of USA who is leadership of imperialist world is same way the
aggression which is kept up by Mexico government to EZLN was planed by USA.

In 1971-72 the annihilation operations which was kept up to THKO and THKP/C
and after 1990 the annihilation operation which kept up to PKK and DHKP-C
the annihilation aggressions which is aimed at our party TKEP/Leninist are
planed by the imperialism of USA and Turkey collaborator, monopolist
capitalist state. When the Turkey and Kurdhistan’s revolutionist party and
organizations give and example for unyielding struggle they brought to
nougat imperialism’s aggressions and plans. This war will be won by working
class and was oppressed people.

When imperialism of USA and imperialism keep up the their politics and
military their aggressions for keeping alive the capitalist castle in every
continent for same aim they made an effort for be killed "Commandante Che".
In same time imperialist of USA who keeps up the military and economic
blockade for demolish Cuba organized a lot of criminal for Fidel Castro.
Imperialism is keeping this aggression to all of the world people
revolutionist leaderships not only in Latin America. This is a war. This
war whose frontline is all of the world is continuing between international
proletariat people who are oppressed and imperialism, collaborator,
monopolist capitalist governments. But for everytime a new revolution
frontline is opening to capitalism, imperialism in a part of world.

The aggressions which are condensed to our party by imperialism of USA and
collaborator, monopolist capitalism and fascist state are showing
TKEP/Leninist is on right way, is on revolution and communism way. All of
the aggression’s which are to our party, reason is real independence way
was showed to working class and labourer mass by our party. Our struggle
will be continue on "Revolution Until Victor!" mentality however
imperialism of USA and monopolist capitalism increases their aggressions.

As "Commandante Che" has said "Hasta la Victoria Siempre!"

Communist Labour Party of Turkey/Leninist




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