Dear KOMINFORM listmember.

The terrible spamming has caused a lot of trouble for all af you.

I am deeply sorry. But what can we do with those provocateurs?

The spammer had penetrated to this list through [EMAIL PROTECTED] -list.

The spam has occurred also on other lists.

I hardly had time to unsub a part of kominform listmembers in order to
avoid further damages.

Now I am going te resub the unsubscribed addresses.

If  anyone has  an idea how to avoid this kind of troubles in future, it
were great.

Penetrating lists seems to be easy. The only safe way might be  moderating
of each message, but it is in practice impossible.  There is no time for
that kind of a slow process.

However, let us proceed further.

Comradely, with friendly regards.

Heikki Sipila


P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki - Finland
+358-40-7177941, fax +358-9-7591081



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