>From: Press Agency Ozgurluk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>The Guardian:
>Turkish dam 'will rob 70,000 of their homes'
>Special report:  Labour's ethical foreign policy
>Paul Brown, environment correspondent Thursday  September 7, 2000
>A confidential report commissioned by  the government into the
>controversial Ilisu dam project has revealed significant underestimates of
>the chaos and misery  it would bring to tens of thousands of people.
>Up to 78,000 Kurdish people, around three times the number originally
>thought, will be made homeless and landless by  the British-backed scheme
>in Turkey, according to the report seen by  the Guardian.
>The report makes clear that thousands of already  extremely  poor people
>are at risk of "falling into greater destitution" if the government goes
>ahead with its plan to make £200m of taxpayers money  available to
>contractors Balfour Beatty  to allow the dam to be built.
>Reports that the government was dropping the dam project have been formally
>denied by  Richard Caborn, the trade minister.  He was writing to
>protesters on behalf of the prime minister, who has been threatened with
>high court action because damming the Tigris would alter the flow of water
>to Iraq and Syria without any  consultation.
>His letter reiterating the British support for the project came on August
>22, four days after the report on the flawed resettlement plan was sent to
>the Department of Trade and Industry  by  Ayse Kudat, 56, who is Turkish
>but has most recently  been the World Bank's head of social development.
>The report, leaked yesterday  to the Guardian, had been kept secret even
>though the department said it would make documents connected with the Ilisu
>project public.
>The report said the dam would inundate the most fertile irrigated land in
>the area where landlessness and poverty  was already  widespread.  Half of
>the people did not grow crops but grazed animals on pasture, worked for
>cash payments and relied on subsistence gardening "to stay  alive".
>The people who were forced to move would be at high risk of falling into
>greater destitution, Dr Kudat said.
>Dr Kudat was employed by  the export credit agencies of the UK and other
>European countries to report on the Turkish plans to resettle Kurds in the
>area to be inundated.  She said some of the area was not accessible because
>of Turkish military  operations against the Kurds, but potentially  the
>number of people affected was between 47,000 and 78,000 - up to three times
>the government's original estimate.
>The government made its support for the project conditional on a proper
>resettlement plan but Dr Kudat noted that many  similar plans round the
>world had failed.  She said sweeping institutional reforms were required in
>Turkey  if there was to be any  hope of an Ilisu plan working.
>"In the Turkish context, past failures have been particularly  severe with
>respect to inadequate and inappropriate delivery  of resettlement housing,"
>she said.
>There had been a lack of concern for the well being of those forced to
>move, failure to consult them, and no monitoring of social impact.
>She said the Ilisu catchment already  contained thousands of people
>displaced from previous projects who had not been properly  settled or
>compensated for losing their homes.
>The coalition of environment and human rights groups opposing the dam said
>the report highlighted 10 serious problems with the Turkish resettlement
>plan which violated World Bank and OECD guidelines on financing such
>projects.  These included Turkey's failure to provide a resettlement
>Kerim Yildiz, a director of the Ilisu Dam Campaign, said:  "This report
>clearly  indicates that the Turkish government is in no position to fulfil
>even the basic conditions put forward by  the UK government.
>"It provides more than enough evidence for the government to abandon this
>ill conceived and destructive project."
>A trade department spokesman confirmed that no decision had yet been made
>on whether the Ilisu project would be backed, but it was conditional on the
>resettlement plan being satisfactory.  :%s///g
>Press Agency Ozgurluk
>In Support of the Peoples Liberation Struggle in Turkey and Kurdistan
>DHKC: http://www.ozgurluk.org/dhkc


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