>New Worker Online Digest
>Week commencing 8th September, 2000.
>1) Editorial - Lottery danger.
>2) Lead story - Crisis in our schools.
>3) Feature article - Skills shortage leads to immigration policy rethink.
>4) International story - Truckers bring France to a standstill.
>5) British news item - A great day at Burston.
>1) Editorial
>Lottery danger.
> THE news last week that another £47 million was going to keep the
>Millenium Dome solvent aroused fury in much of the capitalist press. Apart
>from the usual jibes against the Labour government from the Tory papers
>there was also a more general criticism of the whole idea of continuing to
>prop up the Dome. The money could, it's argued, be better spent.
> But this apparently attractive argument is fraught with danger. It
>encourages the idea that lottery money should be used to help the NHS and
>other public services in need of extra cash and undermines the lottery's
>original spending rules.
> So, what's wrong with that? Surely it would be better to help hospitals
>rather than the Dome? The problem is that the public services are the
>responsibility of the government and should be funded through a taxation
>system that is fair -- that is a system of income tax which takes most from
>those who have most.
> The lottery should not become an extra tax upon the poor, albeit a
>voluntaly one, while the wealthy continue to be let off the hook. At
>present the unjust tax levels of the former Tory governments still apply.
>The rich continue to benefit from a tax system which is grossly weighted in
>their favour. Top levels of tax need to be raised -- not lowered even further.
> Once lottery money is allowed to supplement government funding for vital
>services like the NHS it will quickly become a regular practice and
>eventually a normal part of the budget. The government of the day could
>then consider cutting taxes on the rich even further.
> It is interesting that in the recent contest for control of the lottery it
>was the bid put in by Richard Branson that seemed favoured. This was the
>bid that boasted of making more money available for "good causes". Could it
>be that the Treasury has its eyes on this money and that the media is just
>softening us up for yet another method of taking from the poor to give to
>the rich?
>                                   *********************
>2) Lead story
>Crisis in our schools.
>by Daphne Liddle
>THE START of the new school year this week revealed the most serious
>shortage of teachers in our classrooms in England and Wales for over two
> In London alone there are vacancies for 1,000 leachers.
> Research from the National Union of Teachers published last week has
>revealed head teachers resorting to desperate measures to try to ensure
>that every class has a teacher.
> They are using unqualified and untrained teachers, including technicians.
>New staff are being appointed without even being interviewed.
> Teachers are being sought in Australia, New Zealand and Canada. In some
>cases the curriculum is being modified to fit the staff available. And
>class sizes are growing.
> "When push comes to shove," said one headteacher, "you've got to put a
>body in front of the class. So long as you know they are not going to kill
>a child or maim them, what choice do we have?"
> Another said: "I was in great danger of losing the teachers of the two
>other classes due to stress and violence, so we took on this lady after a
>20-minute interview on the phone to Australia. It was an act of faith."
> Government figures show all schools fully staffed but the NUT has found
>that at the end of last term 10 per cent of all teaching posts fell vacant
>in those schools surveyed and four per cent of posts are still vacant.
> This is three years into a Government that promised us "education,
>education, education". And it is a crisis that has been predicted over and
>over by teaching unions who have warned that pay and conditions are
>worsening as more and more burdens are laid on teachers.
> Teachers have been repeatedly insulted and ignored. They have been made
>scapegoats for an abysmally funded education system. They have been forced
>to compete in exam league tables and now they have had perform ance pay
>imposed to set each teacher in competition with their colleagues.
> This year has seen yet another improvement in GCSE and A level results.
>But far from being congratulated, the teachers and hard working pupils have
>been told this must mean the exams are getting easter.
> Chris Woodhead, the leader of the Government watchdog Ofsted, has insulted
>teachers and students by saying: "We need A levels that are as academically
>rigorous as they have ever been. Indeed I would like them to be more rigorous.
> "As standards rise in schools then we ought, in our public examinations,
>to be looking to raise the level of demand at all levels as well.
> "Let's preserve A levels that really do stretch the intellectually most
>able but let's recognise that such qualifications are only for a minority."
> In other words, if the majority of working class pupils can pass A levels
>then they can't be worth having.
> And of course, whatever the teachers do by his standards they are doing
> He does not consider that the rising pass rate may be due to pressure from
>the Government to excel in exam tables that makes schools reluctant to
>allow pupils to sit exams if their chances of passing are in doubt.
> Many children are probably being denied the chance to have a go because of
> Woodhead was head of Ofsted under the Tories but Labour have kept him in
>place in spite of his blatant elitist attitude. This is not the way to
>provide equal opportunities for working class children. What is the real
> The Government is now rushing head over heels to privatise "failing"
>schools and "failing" local education authorities. The failures result from
>long-term underfunding and complex social problems.
> The policy of naming and shaming failing schools, sacking teachers and
>putting in new high paid super-heads is proving, predictably, an abject
> Ten out of 11 superheads have quit within a year or so. Quick fixes like
>this will not give our children a better education.
> Even schools with good resuits are being threatened for not making enough
>improvement. The ultimate agenda is to privatise the lot.
> Business people are not going to be able to improve education where
>trained professionals could not.
> The Government knows this. Mass privatisation will create a second-rate
>education system for working class children.
> It will turn out pupils qualified only to run the wheels of what industry
>we have left but denied the opportunity for real educalion. It is the
>education policy of Wackford Squeers.
>                                  **********************
>3) Feature article
>Skills shortage leads to immigration policy rethink.
>by Caroline Colebrook
>THE GOVERNMENT is considering relaxing immigration laws to persuade foreign
>"entrepreneurs" to come to Britain and fill gaps.
> A pilot scheme is to be set up under which the rigid immigration rules
>would be eased for those with "intellectual property" -- such as a business
>idea for ecommerce. This could be the forerunner of more sweeping reforms
>that would allow thousands of qualified workers to settle.
> It will be a major departure from immigration policy under both Labour and
>Tory governments since the 70s which has virtually barred people coming
>into Britain with the idea of settling and working.
> The only exceptions have been those with relatives in this country, asylum
>seekers deemed genuine or those setting up a business who could prove they
>had at least £250,000 to sustain themselves.
> Home Office minister Barbara Roche is due to outline the scheme on 11
>September in a public speech at the Institute for Public Policy Research.
> From next April, under the pilot scheme, foreigners will be allowed into
>Britain on a points basis up to a maximum quota of 100,000.
> The points will be awarded on the basis oftheir age and qualifications.
> They are expected to fill gaps in information technology, engineering and
> Predictably some right-wing papers have reacted with racist scaremongering
>about hordes of foreigners being allowed in.
> And the decision takes place against a background of racist ploys from the
>Tory party on foreign doctors being a danger to patients because of
>language problems.
> Also various NHS trusts, schools and education authorities are sending
>recruitment teams all around the globe in a desperate bid to fill vacancies
>in nursing and teaching.
> These gaps are the result of long-standing Government failures to pay
>nurses and teachers and to invest in health and education.
> Shadow home secretary Ann Widdecombe has condemned the plans and claims
>they will lead to more illegal immigration.
> The plans also ignore the fact that there are many highly qualified asylum
>seekers languishing in detention centres and evenjails who are prevented by
>law from working in their professions in this country.
> It would be far cheaper to give these people the necessary language and
>other training to fill places here.
> Also the policy is shameless exploitation of developing countries who have
>invested in training these qualified people.
> Already Nelson Mandela has complained that Britain is enticing away South
>Africa's best doctors and social workers.
> Setting up a brain drain that will hit south Asia, Africa and the
>Philippines will increase the gap between the rich and poor countries.
> And of course much more investment in our own education system so that it
>can produce the full range of skilled workers needed.
>                             *************************
>4) International story
>Truckers bring France to a standstill.
>STRIKING French truckers have rejected the government's latest offer to end
>a dispute which has brought much of France to a standstill this week. Lorry
>drivers and militant farmers are blockading nearly all the oil refineries
>and fuel depots in the country as part of their campaign for cheaper fuel.
> Over eighty per cent of petrol stations have run dry and rationing has
>already been imposed in some regions. Parisian boatmen joined the growing
>movement against high fuel prices on Wednesday blocking the Seine with a
>line of barges.
> In the south Nice airport warns it may have to cancel flights if the
>protests continue and the highspeed train network has been disrupted by
>protesters who have set fire to tracks or driven vehicles onto them.
> Talks between the Transport ministry and the main freight federation broke
>down mid-week when the haulies rejected the government's proposals as
> The National Federation of Road Hauliers (FNTR) which represents 15,000
>road haulage firms said "the proposals formulated last night by the
>Transport Ministry go in the right direction, but they were deemed
>insufficient". The decision was taken after consulting their local
>representatives, who unanimously rejected the deal.
> The government -- forced to back down to similar demands from trawlermen
>demanding a cut in diesel last week -- offered to cut fuel tax by 35
>centimes (3.5p) a litre this year and 25 (2.5p) centimes a litre in 2001.
>The FNTR looking fora cut of at least 5p a litre this year.
> The protests so far have come from the great swathe of French small
>businesses and the selfemployed sector who are effectively organised in
>powerful trade federations.
> And the social-democratic government is wary of confronting these powerful
>lobbies. It has cried to pin the blame for the rise in fuel costs on the
>oil-producers themselves, ignoring the fact that a large part of the cost
>to the consumer is the duties levied at point of sale not to mention the
>crash in the value of the Euro against the dollar over the past 12 months.
> Organised labour is standing to one side. The General Confederation of
>Labour issued a statement this week pointing out that if the government did
>meet the hauliers' demands it would do nothing to help workers in the
> This was echoed by the French Confederation of Workers which said the
>hauliers were "defending only their own interests" which ignored the
>problems of the road haulage industry.
> These included the "deplorable social conditions, salaries worthy of
>indignation, unpaid hours of overtime and lack of respect for minimal
>safety conditions" -- none of which originated with the increase in fuel
>                               *********************
>5) British news item
>A great day at Burston.
>by New Worker correspondents
>HUNDREDS of trade union and labour movement activists descended on the tiny
>Norfolk village of Burston last Sunday. With banners unfurled they marched
>the one and three quarter mile Candlestick before assembling on the village
>green for speeches, songs and entertainment.
> The annual celebration and commemoration of "The Longest Strike in
>England" was revived in 1983 and has been held ever since.
> Back in 1914 Annie and Tom Higdon, the two village schoolteachers, were
>sacked by the local squirearchy on trumped-up charges because of their
>socialist political activities including their support for the agricultural
> Their pupils went on strike in support of their teachers and set in motion
>a chain of events that culminated in the involvement of wide sections of
>the Trade union movement at home and abroad, the setting up of the Strike
>School and a bitterly fought strike against the local education authority
>that lasted for the next 25 years.
> At Sunday's rally many trade union and left wing organisations displayed
>their banners and had stalls. Prominent among the banners were the National
>Union of Teachers, the Communication Workers' Union and the TGWU general
> John Edmonds, general secretary of the GMB general union, made a clear
>call on the Government to restore the link between the basic state pension
>and average earnings, pointing out that as Michael Portillo had predicted,
>without this link the state pension will continue to wither to become of
>negligible value.
> "Unless the Government restores the earnings link," he said, "and protects
>the value of the pension, we will be making Portillo's awful prediction
>come true.
> "Restoring the earnings link will raise morale in the labour movement and
>erase the painful memory of the 75 pence a week pension rise.
> "That is why the GMB is putting down the pensions motion at the TUC and
>why it is drafting a motion for the Labour Party conference."
> Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn agreed to speak at short notice after Tony Benn
>was forced to pull out because of his wife's illness.
> The threatening rain held off, allowing the NCP stall to raise over £50
>and sell more than 60 New Workers.
>                               *********************
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