>opening of the US Office for Yugoslavia in Budapest is an open demonstration
>of force, pressure and brutal interference in the internal affairs of a
>sovereign state by the outgoing US administration, the Yugoslav Foreign
>Ministry said in a protest to the UN Security Council. The protest, addressed
>on the occasion of the opening of the Office, headed by a US Ambassador, on
>August 15, was distributed on Tuesday at the Palace of Nations as a General
>Assembly and Security Council document. The "Office" has a personnel of 30
>employees of various profiles, including members of the CIA, the National
>Security Council, the Pentagon, USAID and other similar US agencies. According
>to US officials, its main task is to help the opposition in Serbia and
>Yugoslavia and to influence the will of the voters ahead of the upcoming
>elections. With this act, the US administration practically pursues its last
>year's unsuccessful aggression on Yugoslavia, using subversive and spying
>activities inadmissible in international relations. It also endorses
>separatism and terrorism, fans dangerous aspirations in the region and
>violates international law. The opening of the "Office" and its proclaimed
>tasks constitute a glaring violation of the US commitment to the UN Charter,
>the Vienna Conventions on diplomatic relations, the UN Declaration principles
>regarding relations and cooperation among states of October 24, 1970, and
>other international documents. The Office activities and Hungary's acceptance
>of the use of its territory for activities against a third country also
>constitute a direct violation of the GA Resolution 54/168 of December 17,
>1999, on the respect of national sovereignty and non-interference in internal
>affairs of states as regards electoral process. It particularly violates its
>Para. 5, which stipulates that all states must refrain from financing
>political parties or groups in other states or undertaking any actions
>undermining their electoral processes. The Hungarian Government's acceptance
>and endorsement of the opening of the "Office" is a precedent in international
>relations, and raises the question of whether such acts are in line with the
>principles of good-neighbourly relations and of the OSCE that Hungarian
>government allegedly supports. This act is reminiscent of the time when
>Budapest, albeit in different circumstances and under the influence of other
>powers, also served as a center for pressures and subversive activities
>against Yugoslavia. The Yugoslav Government most strongly protests against
>such illegal activities of the US administration in the territories of Hungary
>and other states, with the aim of openly interfering in Yugoslavia's internal
>affairs, endangering its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and attempting
>to destabilize it. The Yugoslav Government expects the Security Council to
>most strongly condemn such conduct and to urge the US administration to abide
>by the UN Charter, its international commitments and international law, the
>Ministry document says.
>September 20 (Tanjug) - The U.S., which was the main protagonist of last
>year's brutal aggression on Yugoslavia, has attempted to conceal both the
>crime it has committed, and the fact that ammunition charged with depleted
>uranium was used against civilians, Yugoslav Ambassador to the U.N. Vladislav
>Jovanovic told a press conference at the U.N. headquarters in New York on
>Tuesday. On the occasion, Jovanovic presented the latest publication on bombs
>with depleted uranium used in the attack on Yugoslavia. Copies of this
>publication, issued by the Yugoslav Foreign Ministry, were distributed to all
>U.N. correspondents. Up to the present, the U.S. administration has not
>supplied information as to where exactly U.S. planes dropped bombs with
>depleted uranium, Jovanovic said, and added that the international community
>must respond to this energetically, as it is another crime committed by NATO
>and the U.S. Jovanovic also said that the international community should
>promptly make efforts to decontaminate the critical zones in the Serbian
>province of Kosovo-Metohija, where most of these bombs were used, and declare
>such ammunition forbidden. The aggressors dropped 50,000 depleted uranium
>bombs on around 100 locations in Kosovo-Metohija, and on several others in
>south Serbia and Montenegro, Jovanovic said. He also stressed the grave
>consequences of pollution and radioactivity for the environment and human
>health. Jovanovic accused the U.S. of destroying the world's population and
>nature. By making ammunition with depleted uranium, the U.S. has found a
>monstrous way of getting rid of nuclear waste, he said. The Yugoslav
>Ambassador condemned the U.S. refusal to grant a visa to Yugoslav Foreign
>Minister Zivadin Jovanovic, who was expected to attend the general debate of
>the U.N. General Assembly, as an impermissible act of discrimination. A
>similar wilful act was committed by the U.S. State Department in the case of a
>high-ranking Yugoslav delegation invited to the session of the
>Inter-Parliamentary Union and the Millennium Summit of the U.N., Jovanovic
>said. This is proof of the fact that the U.S. administration ignores the
>universally accepted standards and legal regulations, Jovanovic said. It has
>brutally violated not only the accord on relations between the U.N. and the
>U.S. as the host of these conventions, but also the U.N. Charter and
>international law, he concluded.
>September 20 (Tanjug) - President of the U.N. Security Council Modibo Sidibe
>of Mali has received Ambassador at the Yugoslav Foreign Ministry Danilo Milic
>in New York. The chief topic of discussion was the status of the Federal
>Republic of Yugoslavia in the United Nations. Sidibe, Malian Foreign Minister,
>said that a vast majority of U.N. members support Yugoslavia and its
>legitimate right to take its rightful place in the world organisation. Also
>touched upon was Yugoslavia's status in the movement of non-alignment, and it
>was again noted that Yugoslavia enjoys the support of a vast majority of
>non-aligned countries for an equal participation in the movement's activities.
>The European Union's promise to lift anti-Yugoslav sanctions if its citizens
>do not vote for incumbent Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic is the most
>glaring interference in Yugoslavia's internal affairs, Yugoslav Ambassador to
>Greece Dragomir Vucicevic told Athens Radio 902. This also constitutes one of
>the aspects of continuing NATO and EU aggression, now by different means,
>which is a violation of all basic principles of international relations,
>Vucicevic said. The Yugoslav Government has taken all the necessary measures
>to make the upcoming federal presidential and parliamentary elections and
>local elections in Serbia democratic and fair, as many foreign observers have
>already witnessed, Vucicevic said. The EU stance amounts to taking sides
>openly, which is dangerous and contrary to the basic principles of democracy,
>Vucicevic said. The EU promise of a reward to the people of they do not vote
>according to their own will is an insult to the people of Yugoslavia, who have
>always strived throughout their history to preserve their dignity, freedom and
>national independence, Vucicevic said. The EU sanctions against Yugoslavia are
>unfounded and illegal as they are contrary to the fundamental principles of
>the EU Charter and have been imposed without Security Council approval, he
>noted. The people of Yugoslavia consequently expect the sanctions to be lifted
>immediately, without preconditions, and without being used as an instrument of
>pre-election pressure, Vucicevic said.
>Yugoslav Defence Minister Dragoljub Ojdanic has received Academics Dejan
>Medakovic and Vasilije Krestic as part of regular activities in the
>preparation of innovations in the defence doctrine, a Ministry statement said
>on Wednesday. Medakovic, president of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and
>Arts, praised the diversification of cooperation with the Defence Ministry and
>noted that the Academy was willing to help define doctrinal positions on the
>fundamental values of defence, the statement said. Ojdanic thanked the
>academics for their cooperation, stressing that the defence capability would
>be the greater if science and its achievements were used for strengthening
>defence and security. The Serbian Academy can make a valuable contribution to
>this, according to Ojdanic.
>September 19 (Tanjug) - The Federal Electoral Commission held a session on
>Tuesday chaired by Borivoje Vukicevic and noted that all preparations for the
>implementation of the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections were
>nearing completion according to plan, the Parliamentary Press Service said.
>The printing, packing and distribution of election materials has been
>completed. These operations were monitored by the Federal Electoral Commission
>and representatives of political parties running in the September 24
>elections. Representatives of political parties who supervised the operations
>had no objections and confirmed that all electoral materials were correct.
>However, some party leaders are spreading rumours that already filled out
>ballots are being distributed, and that people are being threatened to force
>them to use such ballots. The Commission strongly protests against such lies
>and points out that such irresponsible conduct is unnecessarily misleading the
>voters and violating their right to free choice. Condemning all manipulations
>with lies, the Commission urges for the creation of legal and constitutional
>conditions for enabling voters to freely elect the lists and candidates of
>their choice. The Commission has consequently taken measures and requested
>state institutions to protect the democratic rights of the citizens. This
>year's polls will be attended by over 200 observers from 50 countries,
>including parliamentarians and eminent public figures, whose presence will
>enable the world public opinion to witness the democratic character of free
>and fair elections in Yugoslavia, the Commission said.
>public enterprise Radio-Television Yugoslavia-Internet Yugoslavia has once
>again drawn attention to the fact that the official web-site of the Yugoslav
>Government devoted to elections has an Internet (URL) - site
>www.gov.yu/izbori. The statement said that certain organizations financed by
>Western countries use parallel sites, with similar names, so that it is
>possible that on URL-sites such as www.izbori.org.yu and www.izbori.co.yu are
>promoted false election results, and confusion created. The first mentioned
>web-site is currently openly promoting candidates of the political
>organization Democratic Opposition of Serbia (DOS), which runs stories such as
>Arm Yourselves for September 20, when the election convention of DOS is due to
>be held, or it even calls on citizens to take to the streets and wait for the
>announcing of trumped-up election results from their parallel election site.
>The second site mentioned above is still in preparation and will be active on
>September 24. Internet Yugoslavia points out that the official site
>www.gov.yu/izbori is updated in conjunction with the Yugoslav Election
>Commission, and is therefore the most accurate source of information about
>elections and about election results.
>(Tanjug) - Russian state Duma deputies condemned the interference of the
>European Union in the internal affairs of Yugoslavia, with the intention of
>influencing the will of its voters, said a statement of the Duma Committee for
>helping our country overcome the consequences of NATO's aggression last year.
>State Duma members called on the EU, the statement specified, not to create
>obstacles for the free expression of will of voters, at the upcoming
>presidential and legislative elections in Yugoslavia, on September 24. The EU
>attempt to influence by messages and false promises the Serbian people to vote
>against Slobodan Milosevic was describes by Duma deputies as "blatant
>interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state." "Western countries
>are, in fact, the obstacle to the development of democracy in Yugoslavia,
>because they imposed years of sanctions, political and informative-propaganda
>pressure," the statement said, stressing that the reconstruction of Serbia,
>after NATO's barbaric bombing should not be an act of charity, but an
>obligation of the West.
>(Tanjug) - A delegation of the Russian state Duma, made up of representatives
>of all party groupings, and of the parliamentary assembly of the Union of
>Russia and Belarus arrived on Wednesday at the invitation of the Yugoslav
>Federal Assembly, to attend in the capacity of international observers
>presidential, legislative and local elections in FR Yugoslavia, scheduled for
>September 24. In the delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of
>Russia and Belarus are members of all legislative committees and secretariats,
>while from the Russian Duma the role of observers will be performed by
>representatives of party groupings "Homeland-all Russia," "Regions of Russia,"
>"Jabloko," the Communist party, "Unity" and the Liberal-Democratic party. The
>delegation was welcomed at the airport by Yugoslav Parliament Lower House
>Foreign Policy Committee President Ljubisa Ristic, who informed them that at
>the Yugoslav elections will be present over 200 observers, of whom more than
>half are members of parliament from more than 50 countries. "We want them to
>have all the necessary conditions for monitoring the elections independently
>and freely and to be impartial with respect to all key issues," Ristic said,
>pointing out, also, the intention of the hosts to make it possible to
>observers in FR Yugoslavia to talk with whom ever and where ever they want to.
>"Please communicate freely with the media and with voters, and I believe that
>your impressions about the democratic character of the elections will be
>confirmed also by freedom of movement and the monitoring of elections," he
>said. Russian Duma delegation head and international affairs committee
>deputy-chairman Konstantin Kasachov stressed that the delegation had arrived
>in Yugoslavia with best intentions and wishes that its members convey an
>objective picture about elections conditions and about everything that they
>see during the election process. Kasachov, speaking about the tasks of the
>delegation, cited as very important the consequences of foreign interference
>in the campaign. Delegation head of the parliamentary assembly of the Union of
>Russia and Belarus and parliament foreign policy committee chairman Nikolai
>Cherginez said he believed that the elections in Yugoslavia will be conducted
>in a democratic manner and be an expression of the free will of the people of
>the invitation of the Federal Parliament, parliamentary delegations from
>Ukrain and Moldavia arrived in Belgrade late on Tuesday to attend the
>presidential, federal and local elections in Yugoslavia on September 24 as
>international observers. The MPs were welcomed at Belgrade's airport by the
>Yugoslav Parliament's Chamber of Citizens Foreign Policy Committee President
>Ljubisa Ristic and Foreign Ministry Ambassador Vladimir Krsljanin. It is
>expected that over 200 MPs and other prominent public figures from 50
>countries all over the world will attend the elections in Yugoslavia in the
>capacity of observer, Ristic said. Ristic said 16 parliaments would send
>official delegations to Yugoslavia. He pointed out that the federal parliament
>had not invited official delegations from the aggressor countries, since he
>said this would be unacceptable for the Yugoslav people. Nevertheless, a
>number of public figures from certain countries that took part in the 1999
>NATO aggression on Yugoslavia have arrived here, even some MPs, but in a
>private capacity, and not as official representatives of the respective
>parliaments, Ristic said.
>September 20 (Tanjug) - President of the Yugoslav Electoral Commission
>Borivoje Vukicevic and Supervising Board President Ivan Radosavljevic will
>organize a cocktail on Wednesday evening to welcome foreign observers who have
>arrived in Belgrade to monitor the federal presidential and parliamentary
>elections and local elections in the Yugoslav Republic of Serbia. More than
>210 foreign observers, including parliament members and officials from 52
>countries have arrived so far. They are from: Albania, Angola, Argentina,
>Belgium, Belarus, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Chad, Czech Republic, Chile, Denmark,
>Egypt, France, Ghana, Greece, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Armenia,
>Jordan, Canada, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Cyprus, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Libya, Hungary,
>Macedonia, Moldova, Germany, Nepal, Nicaragua, Palestine, Portugal, Romania,
>Russia, the U.S.A., Salvador, Slovakia, Sweden, Spain, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan,
>Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. Among the foreign
>observers is a joint delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of Russia and
>Belarus. The foreign observers have attended the final rallies of various
>political parties, and will be present at most electoral stations all day on
>Sunday, September 24.
>- Russian Pan-National Federation President Sergei Baburin on Wednesday spoke
>on behalf of his party, expressing strong opposition to attempts by western
>power centers and their Yugoslav branch offices to prevent, using
>dishonourable means, the victory of Slobodan Milosevic and patriotic forces at
>the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections in Yugoslavia.
>Explaining his party's stand on the current developments in Yugoslavia,
>Baburin said he and others who share his views in Russia wholeheartedly
>support those forces in Yugoslavia which care for the independence and
>prosperity of their country. Expressing certainty that Yugoslavia citizens
>would once again make the right choice, Baburin said no-one should be stripped
>of the possibility to live in line with their views on the world and its
>organization, and to protect their homeland and its national interests. The
>party statement said the United States and its old allies and new satellites
>in Europe were constantly stepping up pressure on the Yugoslav legitimate
>authorities and people, ahead of the Yugoslav elections set for September 24,
>with the objective of imposing their political will on the Yugoslav
>electorate. The basic purpose of this pressure is to prevent Yugoslav
>citizens, by all possible means, from again giving their vote of confidence to
>President Slobodan Milosevic, and thus, allegedly legally, removing from
>office the only leader in the Balkans who has not yielded to the will of the
>west, the party statement said.
>Federation Communist Party (KPRF) President Gennady Zyuganov said on Tuesday
>during a meeting and talks with Yugoslav Ambassador to Russia Borislav
>Milosevic that the Duma KPRF deputies would meet all their obligations as
>observers at the upcoming elections in Yugoslavia. Milosevic informed
>Zyuganov, on the grounds of reports available to the public, about the plans
>to destabilize the situation in Yugoslavia in the event of an outcome of the
>presidential, federal and Serbian local elections set for September 24 which
>would be unfavourable for the west, the KPRF Press Service said. Zyuganov
>resolutely condemned attempts by western countries to interfere in the
>election process in Yugoslavia, describing this as "direct pressure on
>voters." "We will respect the choice of the Yugoslav people made at the
>upcoming elections, and will continue contributing as much as we can to the
>development of the brotherly relations between our states," Zyuganov said.


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