TODAY'S NEWS (September.22.2000 Juche 89)


   * Letter of thanks to Kim Jong Il

   * DPRK cabinet arranges friendly meeting

   * Independence of country and nation, basis for durable international

   * Autumn land management brisk in DPRK

   * Withdrawal of U.S. troops from S. Korea is urgent need of times

   * DPRK hard hit by torrential rain, typhoon and landslides

   * Anniversary of Kim Jong Suk's demise commemorated

   * Group of S. Korean tourists arrives

     For Spanish-speaking people

* rpdc: simposio internacional sobre tecnica de microbio compuesto y metodo
agricola natural

* clausurado 7 festival cinematografico de pyongyang

Letter of thanks to Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, September 22 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il
Thursday received a letter of
thanks from the participants in the 7th Pyongyang Film Festival of
Non-Aligned and Other Developing
Countries. The letter said:
    The Pyongyang film festival marked a very effective occasion in sharing
successes and experience
gained by progressive people and moviemen who want to live a civilized life
in harmony in an
independent and prosperous new world in their efforts to create national
films and in expanding and
developing friendship, solidarity, exchange and cooperation to jointly pave
the way for developing a
genuine film art.
    We were deeply moved to experience your loving care of providing the
best conditions to the
delegates despite difficult situation of the country and looking after us
so that they might not feel any
    We are convinced that under your outstanding and tested leadership the
korean people will achieve
independent and peaceful reunification of the country and build a powerful
state in the near future.
    Expressing the belief that the people and moviemen of the DPRK will
continue to make big
successes in their efforts for the prosperity of the country and the
development of film art, the letter
noted that the festival participants, who value justice, truth, peace and
friendship, will always support
and encourage the Korean people's just struggle for the independent
reunification and development of
the country and make joint efforts with the Korean moviemen to develop
genuine film of humankind.

DPRK cabinet arranges friendly meeting

    Pyongyang, September 22 (KCNA) -- The DPRK cabinet held a friendly
meeting at the People's
Palace of Culture on Sept. 21 in the wake of successful conclusion of the
7th Pyongyang Film Festival
of Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries. Invited to the meeting were
delegations, delegates and
guests of honour from different countries who participated in the festival,
foreign diplomatic envoys and
embassy officials and members of the delegation of the General Association
of Korean Residents in
    On hand were vice-premier Jo Chang Dok, Kang Nung Su, Minister of
Culture who is the
chairman of the festival organizing committee, Jo Chan Gu and Choe Yun Sik,
vice-chairmen of the
festival organizing committee, Hong Son Ok, vice-chairwoman of the
Committee for Cultural Relations
with Foreign Countries, officials concerned and moviemen.
    A speech was made at the meeting.
    The participants said that the Pyongyang film festival traditionally
held in the idea of independence,
peace and friendship is of weighty significance in the strengthening and
development of the non-aligned
movement and the national film development of new emerging countries.
    They exchanged with each other the achievements and experience
established in the work of
creating progressive films which reflect the struggle and worthwhile life
of the people who turn out in
the building of a new society for the sake of independence.
    They talked about the days of the festival, deepening their friendly

Independence of country and nation, basis for durable international

    Pyongyang, September 22 (KCNA) -- Each country should invariably
maintain its independence so
as to solve any issue arising in international relationship on a fair basis
in conformity with its own
interests and the common interests of humankind, says rodong sinmun today
in a signed article. The
article further says:
    Independence of each country and nation is a basis of durable
international relationship because it
makes it possible to meet the intrinsic demand of country and nation.
    Countries establish and develop ties with each other in a purpose to
create external circumstances
and conditions favourable for defending and realizing their own interests
and demand. however, they
are different in the interests and demand. Under this situation, the common
and fundamental principle
for the interests and requirement of all countries is needed to establish
and develop the most reasonable
and fair, international relations.
    Such is the principle of defending and maintaining independence.
    Independence also makes it possible to settle any international issue
on a fair basis in the interests
and demand of each country and nation.
    All the matters arising in international relationship should be solved
to conform with the aspiration
and desire of humankind the world over and with the interests and demand of
each nation.
    To this end, it is necessary for all countries to firmly maintain and
respect independence.
    Only doing so, is it possible to check the unreasonable deeds of some
countries, who seek to have
the last say on any international issue and use it for their national
egoism, and solve international issues
impartially in conformity with the interests and requirement of all
countries and nations.
    The present era is that of independence.
    Relations of equality, cooperation, reciprocity and non-interference in
internal affairs based on
independence will be established among nations when each country adheres to
the principle of
independence in international relationship.

Autumn land management brisk in DPRK

    Pyongyang, September 22 (KCNA) -- Autumn land management is in full
swing in the DPRK.
According to Kang Mun Gu, director of the land management mobilization
control bureau of the
ministry of land and environment protection, 107,859,000 trees of different
kinds will be planted across
the country and 10-15 hectares of sapling growing bases will be created
each in counties and towns
during this period.
    Particular efforts will be made to rehabilitate and rezone land,
rivers, roads and anti-tidal dykes
damaged by torrential rains, typhoons and tidal waves this year.
    This work will be carried out through a mass campaign.
    Taking the lead are jagang, ryanggang and north hamgyong provinces.
    These provinces are making preferential efforts to create useful
forests including a forest of
economic value and a timber forest.
    Many counties and towns are carrying out anti-erosion projects along
the damaged rivers, dredging,
embankment, stone-laying and turfing.
    The autumn land management work is being pushed ahead in other
provinces to make an effective
use of their specific conditions.

Withdrawal of U.S. troops from S. Korea is urgent need of times

    Pyongyang, September 22 (KCNA) -- Savid Bakus, chairman of the Guyana
Committee for
Supporting Korea's reunification, issued a statement calling for the
withdrawal of the U.S. troops from
South Korea. He in the statement says:
    With the end of the Second World War the U.S. troops occupied South
Korea and thus Korea was
divided into the north and south. It is because of foreign interference and
obstructive moves that Korea's
reunification has not yet been realized though more than half a century has
    Now when military threat from the former Soviet Union has been removed
with the end of the Cold
War, the U.S. is still keeping its troops stationed in South Korea under
the pretext of "threat of
southward invasion" from North Korea.
    The withdrawal of the U.S. troops from South Korea is an urgent need of
the times.

DPRK hard hit by torrential rain, typhoon and landslides

    Pyongyang, September 22 (KCNA) -- The DPRK was recently hard hit by a
torrential rain,
typhoon and landslides. A regional torrential rain and typhoon in September
in particular claimed human
lives and inflicted enormous disasters upon different sectors.
    Greatest natural disasters were reported from north and south Hwanghae
provinces, Kangwon
Province, north Phyongan Province, Ryanggang Province and north and south
Hamgyong pronvinces.
    According to the data available at the central statistic bureau, a
total amount of damage reached
6,144,276,000 dollars.
    Dwelling houses, roads and railways were heavily damaged.
    125,000 dwelling houses were inundated or destroyed.
    29,000 of them were completely demolished and thousands of them swept away.
    Many people were dead or wounded.
    A heavy rain and typhoon in Kangwon Province and north and south
Hamgyong provinces and
other parts destroyed roads and railway lines, cutting off traffic for
scores of days.
    1,630 kms of roads, 1,930 bridges and 250 railway sections were swept
away or destroyed.
    And landslide completely destroyed more than 160 sections of railways
and roads. as a
consequence large quantities of materials and manpower were directed to the
rehabilitation work.
    Natural disasters caused serious damage to different sectors of the
national economy.
    Torrential rain and typhoon hit several regions including plain areas
in north and south hwanghae
provinces and North Pphyongan Province washing away, burying and blowing
down the crops in tens
of thousands of hectares.
    Grounds of concentrates and coal yards in mines and coal mines were
submerged and a lot of
production machines and facilities were destroyed by the landslide.
    Damage investigation is now under way.

Anniversary of Kim Jong Suk's demise commemorated

    Pyongyang, September 22 (KCNA) -- Senior party and state officials,
servicemen, working
people, school youth and children of the dprk and overseas Koreans visited
the revolutionary martyrs'
cemetery on Mt. Taesong today to lay wreaths before the bust of Kim Jong
Suk, a great communist
revolutionary fighter, on her 51st death anniversary. Seen there was a
wreath from the great leader Kim
Jong Il.
    Among the senior party and state officials present at the wreath-laying
ceremony were Kim Yong
Nam, Kye Ung Thae, Kim Il Chol and Ri Ul Sol.
    Amid the playing of music wreaths were laid before the bust in the name
of the Workers' Party of
Korea central committee, the presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly and
the cabinet of the
    Placed also were wreaths, together with bouquets and flowers, in the
names of the anti-Japanese
revolutionary fighters, the Ministry of the People's Armed Forces, working
people's organizations,
ministries, national institutions, units of the Korean People's Army,
educational, scientific, cultural and
art, public health and press organs, the Korean Children's Union
organizations, and party and power
bodies, industrial establishments and farms in Pyongyang and delegations
and home-visiting groups of
overseas Koreans.

Group of S. Korean tourists arrives

    Pyongyang, September 22 (KCNA) -- A group of South Korean tourists to
Mt. Paektu led by Kim
Jae Gi, chairman of the central council of Tourists Association of South
Korea, arrived today. It was
met by officials of the national reconciliation council.

For Spanish-speaking people

rpdc: simposio internacional sobre tecnica de microbio compuesto y
metodo agricola natural

    pyongyang, 22 de septiembre (atcc) -- el simposio internacional sobre
la tecnica de microbio
compuesto y el metodo agricola natural tuvo lugar los dias 20 y 21 del
actual en esta capital. participaron
los delegados de la rpdc, africa del sur, nueva zelanda, holanda, nepal,
alemania, ee. uu., belarus, sri
lanka, suiza, china, canada, tailandia, pakistan, francia, austria,
indonesia, india, japon, vietnam y
chongryon (asociacion general de coreanos residentes en el japon).
    se dieron la conferencia por invitacion, y la conferencia de los
cientificos de ese sector de la rpdc y
otros varios paises y escucharon intervenciones.
    los oradores hablaron de los exitos y experiencias adquiridos en el
pasado en el estudio y la
introduccion de esta tecnica y la produccion por el metodo agricola natural
y de la perspectiva de su
desarrollo y tareas.
    el simposio aprobo una carta dirigida al gran dirigente kim jong il.

clausurado 7 festival cinematografico de pyongyang

    pyongyang, 22 de septiembre (atcc) -- quedo clausurado ayer el 7
festival cinematografico de
pyongyang de los paises no alineados y otros en vias de desarrollo que vino
efectuandose desde el dia
13. en el acto clausural participaron el vicepresidente yang hyong sop del
comite permanente de la
asamblea popular suprema de la republica popular democratica de corea, el
viceprimer ministro jo chang
dok, el ministro de cultura kang nung su quien es presidente del comite
organizador del festival y otros.
    participaron delegaciones, delegados, huespedes honorarios de varios
paises del mundo y
delegacion de la asociacion general de coreanos residentes en el japon.
    estuvieron invitados representantes diplomaticos y funcionarios
encargados de asuntos culturales de
las embajadas de varios paises en la rpdc y los huespedes extranjeros.
    en el acto clausural quedo aprobada una carta de agradecimiento
dirigida al gran dirigente kim jong
    el ministro de cultura kang nung su en su discurso clausural senalo que
las peliculas exhibidas en el
presente festival al reflejar fehacientemente la demanda y aspiracion de la
humanidad progresista del
mundo a vivir felizmente en el mundo libre y pacifico exento de la agresion
y guerra, la dominacion y
subyugacion dejaron profunda impresion a los participantes y el pueblo coreano.
    expreso la firme conviccion de que en el futuro tambien los cineastas
de todos los paises del mundo
al apreciar la amistad y la fraternidad participaran con sinceridad en el
festival cinematografico de
pyongyang contribuyendo asi activamente al desarrollo de la autentica
cultura de la humanidad.
    el resultado de la exminacion publicado en el acto de premiacion es el
    - pelicula de ficcion premio "antorcha" de oro: pelicula iranesa "amor
perdido" premio "antorcha" de
plata: pelicula egipcia "luego de golpe" premio "antorcha" de bronce:
pelicula china "himno nacional"
premio de guion: pelicula polaca "bajo proteccion de dios" premio de
direccion: pelicula malaya "la
ultima malaya" premio de interpretacion: m: papel de protagonista de
pelicula siria "extravagancia" f:
papel de protagonista de pelicula coreana "tierra de amor" premio de
filmacion: pelicula china "aterrizaje
forzoso" premio de dibujo: pelicula egipcia "luego de golpe" premio de
musica: pelicula iranesa "amor
perdido" - documental y corto metraje premio de guion: documental coreano
"excelente hija de corea"
premio de direccion: pelicula de corto metraje india "vida" premio de
filmacion: documental de estonia
"palangi" premio de dibujo: pelicula de corto metraje espanola "topo y
hada" premio de musica: dibujos
animados de ucrania "gorra azul" - premio especial del jurado internacional
del festival: pelicula coreana
"tierra de amor" - premio especial del comite organizador del festival:
pelicula rusa "amor a la rusa"
(tercera parte) pelicula srilankesa "saroja" por otra parte el mismo dia el
consejo de ministros de la rpdc
ofrecio un encuentro de amistad por el termino del festival.


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