>> Iraq brands future US secretary of state as `war criminal`
>> BAGHDAD, Dec 18 (AFP) - An Iraqi government newspaper on Monday
>> branded the US secretary of state-designate, retired General Colin
>> Powell, as a "war criminal" and said his nomination was a sign that
>> American diplomacy was in decline.
>> "The choice of Colin Powell, an arrogant military man who understands
>> nothing of how to manage political affairs, ... proves the new US
>> administration has nothing new to offer, except for continued
>> aggression
>> against the will of independent peoples," charged Al-Jumhuriya.
>> It accused Powell of being a "war criminal," apparently for his
>> leading role in the 1991 Gulf conflict which evicted Iraqi occupation
>> forces from Kuwait.
>> "All the indications are that American diplomacy is in a state of
>> decline in the face of the forces defying the agressiveness of the
>> United States," said the Iraqi daily.
>> On Saturday, US President-elect George W. Bush nominated Powell, a
>> Gulf War hero for the United States and former chairman of the joint
>> chiefs of staff, as his secretary of state.
>> Powell promptly delivered a blunt warning to Iraq's leadership.
>> "Saddam Hussein is sitting on a failed regime that is not going to be
>> around in a few years' time ... We are in the strong position, he is
>> in the weak position," said Powell.
>> "We will work with our allies to re-energize the sanctions regime,"
>> which has been in force since Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, he added.
>> An Iraqi information ministry spokesman said Sunday Powell had
>> "ignored the fact that the (US-led Gulf War) coalition has fallen
>> apart" and that only Britain continued to support the hard line
>> against Iraq.
>> "The current international mood is against US policy and maintaining
>> the embargo," he said.
>> --------------
>> Iraq shrugs off warning from Colin Powell
>> BAGHDAD, Dec 17 (AFP) - An Iraqi military official on Sunday shrugged
>> off a warning from US secretary of state-designate Colin Powell that
>> President Saddam Hussein's rule was coming to an end.
>> "Powell's threats do not frighten us and they will not make us bow,"
>> the commander of Iraq's air defences, General Shahin Mohammad Yassin,
>> said at a news conference in Baghdad.
>> "Let him make threats. Others have done the same before him," Yassin
>> said, referring to the outgoing administration of US President Bill
>> Clinton. Such threats only "make us (Iraq) more determined."
>> On Saturday, president-elect George W. Bush, who is to take office in
>> January, nominated Gulf War hero and former chairman of the joint
>> chiefs of staff, retired General Colin Powell, as his secretary of
>> state.
>> Powell, joining a team that also includes vice president-elect Dick
>> Cheney, who was defence secretary during the 1991 war against Iraq,
>> promptly delivered a blunt warning to Iraq's leadership.
>> "Saddam Hussein is sitting on a failed regime that is not going to be
>> around in a few years' time," he said. "The world is going to leave
>> him behind, and that regime behind", Powell added.
>> "I don't know what it will take to bring him (Saddam) to his senses,
>> but we are in the strong position, he is in the weak position,"
>> Powell said.
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><!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
><br><b>Which is a totally accurate description of the General who said</b>
><br><b>"The number of dead (Iraqis) don't interest me."&nbsp; This is the
><br><b>who proudly buried thousands of&nbsp; Iraqis alive in the desert,
><br><b>prevailed over the infamous "Highways of Death."&nbsp; It is also</b>
><br><b>an appropriate and accurate definition of our vice president elect,</b>
><br><b>our current president and his secretary of state, his nationial
><br><b>advisor and the secretary of defense (i.e. secy. of war), just as
>it is of our</b>
><br><b>notorious Mr. Kissinger, all of whom will never see their day</b>
><br><b>in an international court of&nbsp; justice for their war crimes....which
><br><b>exactly WHY the US will not sign on to the court.&nbsp; The Guarantee
>that our</b>
><br><b>war criminals have total immunity is their license to continue killing
><br><b>destroying&nbsp; the powerless and defenseless around the world
><br><b>"gung ho" American enthusiam and "pride."</b>
><p>Francisco Javier Bernal wrote:
><blockquote TYPE=CITE>STOP NATO: &iexcl;NO PASARAN! - <a
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><p>Iraq brands future US secretary of state as `war criminal`
><p>BAGHDAD, Dec 18 (AFP) - An Iraqi government newspaper on Monday
><br>branded the US secretary of state-designate, retired General Colin
><br>Powell, as a "war criminal" and said his nomination was a sign that
><br>American diplomacy was in decline.
><p>"The choice of Colin Powell, an arrogant military man who understands
><br>nothing of how to manage political affairs, ... proves the new US
><br>administration has nothing new to offer, except for continued
><br>against the will of independent peoples," charged Al-Jumhuriya.
><p>It accused Powell of being a "war criminal," apparently for his
><br>leading role in the 1991 Gulf conflict which evicted Iraqi occupation
><br>forces from Kuwait.
><p>"All the indications are that American diplomacy is in a state of
><br>decline in the face of the forces defying the agressiveness of the
><br>United States," said the Iraqi daily.
><p>On Saturday, US President-elect George W. Bush nominated Powell, a
><br>Gulf War hero for the United States and former chairman of the joint
><br>chiefs of staff, as his secretary of state.
><p>Powell promptly delivered a blunt warning to Iraq's leadership.
><p>"Saddam Hussein is sitting on a failed regime that is not going to be
><br>around in a few years' time ... We are in the strong position, he is
><br>in the weak position," said Powell.
><p>"We will work with our allies to re-energize the sanctions regime,"
><br>which has been in force since Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, he added.
><p>An Iraqi information ministry spokesman said Sunday Powell had
><br>"ignored the fact that the (US-led Gulf War) coalition has fallen
><br>apart" and that only Britain continued to support the hard line
><br>against Iraq.
><p>"The current international mood is against US policy and maintaining
><br>the embargo," he said.
><br>Iraq shrugs off warning from Colin Powell
><p>BAGHDAD, Dec 17 (AFP) - An Iraqi military official on Sunday shrugged
><br>off a warning from US secretary of state-designate Colin Powell that
><br>President Saddam Hussein's rule was coming to an end.
><p>"Powell's threats do not frighten us and they will not make us bow,"
><br>the commander of Iraq's air defences, General Shahin Mohammad Yassin,
><br>said at a news conference in Baghdad.
><p>"Let him make threats. Others have done the same before him," Yassin
><br>said, referring to the outgoing administration of US President Bill
><br>Clinton. Such threats only "make us (Iraq) more determined."
><p>On Saturday, president-elect George W. Bush, who is to take office in
><br>January, nominated Gulf War hero and former chairman of the joint
><br>chiefs of staff, retired General Colin Powell, as his secretary of
><p>Powell, joining a team that also includes vice president-elect Dick
><br>Cheney, who was defence secretary during the 1991 war against Iraq,
><br>promptly delivered a blunt warning to Iraq's leadership.
><p>"Saddam Hussein is sitting on a failed regime that is not going to be
><br>around in a few years' time," he said. "The world is going to leave
><br>him behind, and that regime behind", Powell added.
><p>"I don't know what it will take to bring him (Saddam) to his senses,
><br>but we are in the strong position, he is in the weak position,"
><br>Powell said.
><br>To unsubscribe, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]</blockquote>
>To unsubscribe, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]<br>


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