TODAY'S NEWS (March.05.2001 Juche 90)



Japan's moves to distort history textbooks flailed in S. Korea

Book "Compass" published in Nepal

Foundation of national culture formed in S. Korea

Anniversary of Law on Agrarian Reform observed

Joint meeting of Juche idea study groups and followers of Juche idea

Greetings to President of Ghana

For Spanish-speaking people


mitin de pyongyaneses en apoyo a editorial conjunto

organizaciones sociales de rpdc exhortan

Japan's moves to distort history textbooks flailed in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, March 5 (KCNA) -- Japan's moves to distort history textbooks
are bitterly denounced in South Korea. The people's council for national
reconciliation and cooperation in its statement issued on February 28
charged that textbooks published by the "society for preparing new history
textbooks" are nothing but false history textbooks justifying the history of
militarist aggression, warning it that if they go through the examination by
the ministry of education and science, the council will not remain a passive
on-looker to it, Seoul-based Yonhap News said.
    At least 200 teachers in Seoul and its surrounding areas held a rally in
Seoul on march 1 at which they denounced Japan's moves to tamper with
history textbooks and declared that 400,000 educators would turn out in the
struggle against the moves, according to Radio No. 1 from Seoul.
    An organization that sponsored the rally decided to give special lessons
related to Japan's escalated moves to tamper with history textbooks and
conduct a 10 million signature campaign and a campaign to boycott Japanese
    A ceremony of burning a cut-out of a Japanese textbook was held at the
    Kyunghyang Daily News of South Korea on March 1 in an article titled
"strongly react to distortion of history" said that resentment against
Japan's distortion of textbooks should be expressed not in words only but by
    The authorities should take such measures as revoking the policy for
opening South Korea to Japanese culture and suspending all forms of
ministerial talks and strengthen solidarity with those former colonies of
Japan, it noted. 


Book "Compass" published in Nepal
     Pyongyang, March 5 (KCNA) -- Book "compass," which carries wise sayings
of leader Kim Jong Il, was published by the Baktapur, Nepal, Institute of
Korean Affairs. The book contains 216 wise sayings.
    The book explains the uniqueness, validity, profundity and richness of
the wise sayings and introduces the Korean people who live and work, guided
by them. 
    The book says that the wise sayings encourage the world progressive
people in their struggle for the cause of independence.


Foundation of national culture formed in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, March 5 (KCNA) -- The "Foundation of National Culture in the
Era of Reunification" was formed in Seoul on March 1 to eliminate remnants
of pro-Japanese elements and restore the homogeneity of the nation in
conformity with the era of reunification, according to Seoul-based Yonhap
News. The foundation said at a meeting of its promoters that it would enter
into a new stage to probe the truth of the distorted modern history and
restore the homogeneity of the south and the north.
    It said that one of its main tasks is to make a pro-Japanese
biographical dictionary, form a preparatory committee for it and conduct
editing work in real earnest in five years to come.
    Expected to enter the dictionary are more than 3,000-4,000 pro-Japanese
elements who committed blatant pro-Japanese actions in all fields such as
politics, economy, in the matters related to the royal palace and its
relatives, in the police and army, the press, academic and judicial circles,
women's affairs, literature, music, fine arts and religion in the period of
the Japanese imperialist colonial rule.
    The foundation said that it would organize a special fact-finding group
to probe the truth of walking away people by force under the Japanese
imperialist rule and an organization for solidarity with the people, and
conduct a survey of the Korean's life in Manchuria and edit a library on the
Japanese imperialist aggression and a biographical dictionary of Japanese
imperialist bureaucrats.


Anniversary of Law on Agrarian Reform observed
     Pyongyang, March 5 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today editorially observes
the 55th anniversary of the historic Law on Agrarian Reform promulgated by
President Kim Il Sung. Kim Il Sung's promulgation of the law on March 5,
Juche 35 (1946) marked a historic event that brought about an epochal turn
in the position and destiny of the Korean peasants and a milestone that
opened a new chapter on the solution to the land issue in Korea, the
editorial says. 
    Referring to the epoch-making examples set by the DPRK in the solution
of the land issue over the last 55 years, the editorial notes: This is a
precious fruition of the wise leadership of Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong
    The president always indicated the most correct way of solving the issue
of land from a firm stand of Juche and exerted all his efforts for the
building of socialist countryside, giving ceaseless on-the-spot guidance.
    The great history of the Korean revolution adorned with examples of the
times set in finding a socialist solution to the land issue records the
shining leadership exploits Kim Jong Il has performed by ushering in a new
era of its ultimate settlement.
    He set forth the Juche-oriented idea and policy for land realignment,
considering the work to change the appearance of land beyond recognition in
the socialist society as a cause of eternal value for the complete solution
of the land problem and an important issue in building a powerful nation,
and thus opened a new history of great changes on this land.
    Recalling that those great changes were brought about by Kim Jong Il in
this land in the rigorous days of the "arduous march," the editorial notes
that his immortal exploits will shine forever with the fertile land in
socialist Korea. 
    It is Kim Jong Il's firm will to ultimately solve the socialist rural
question as indicated by the rural theses and build Juche-oriented socialist
agriculture on the land, which has undergone great changes, in the 21st
century and thus lay a solid foundation for the prosperity of all the
generations to come.


Joint meeting of Juche idea study groups and followers of Juche idea
     Pyongyang, March 5 (KCNA) -- Juche idea study groups and followers of
the Juche idea in Madagascar held a joint meeting in Antananarivo on
February 24 in support of an appeal made at the symposium on the Juche idea
for independent development of Africa in the 21st century held in Kampala.
At the meeting the appeal was read out by the chairman of the Madagascan
national committee for the study of the Juche idea who is the director of
the board of the African regional committee for the study of the Juche idea.
    Speeches were made in support of the appeal.
    Speakers welcomed and supported the Kampala appeal which calls for
holding a world conference of Juche idea study groups and followers of the
Juche idea all over the world to celebrate the birthday of leader Kim Jong
    A preparatory committee of Juche idea study groups of Madagascar for the
world conference celebrating February 16, 2002, was inaugurated at the


Greetings to President of Ghana
     Pyongyang, March 5 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium
of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, sent a message of greetings to
John Agyekum Kufuor, President of Ghana, on March 1 on the occasion of the
44th anniversary of its independence. The message extended warm
congratulations to the president, government and people of Ghana on the
occasion of the 44th anniversary of its independence.
    It wished him greater success in his work for the stability and
prosperity of the country and expressed belief that friendly and cooperative
relations between the two countries would develop on good terms in the
future, too. 


For Spanish-speaking people

mitin de pyongyaneses en apoyo a editorial conjunto
     pyongyang, 5 de enero (atcc) -- tuvo lugar hoy en la plaza kim il sung
el mitin de la ciudad de pyongyang para ejecutar cabalmente las tareas
combativas planteadas en el editorial conjunto del primer ano del siglo 21.
en el participaron el primer ministro hong song nam y otros cuadros
dirigentes del partido y el estado junto con mas de 100 mil habitantes de
distintos sectores.
    el informe del acto estuvo al cargo del presidente ryang man gil del
comite popular de la ciudad de pyongyang quien dijo en particular:
    el editorial conjunto de los periodicos del partido, el ejercito y la
juventud es la bandera de la victoria que llama a todo el partido, todo el
ejercito y todo el pueblo a la marcha general de ano nuevo.
    el 89 (2000) de la era juche fue un ano de gran cambio en que ocurrieron
los eventos asombrosos sin precedentes en la historia de la nacion coreana y
un ano historico que hizo balance brillante del siglo 20 al concluir con
exito la "marcha penosa".
    la gran victoria del ano pasado que dio conclusion brillante al siglo 20
es un valioso fruto de la destacada capacidad politica y las dinamicas
actividades del dirigente kim jong il.
    el presente es un ano de nuevo avance y gran cambio, llamado a abrir un
ancho camino de la construccion de potencia del siglo 21.
    todos los militantes del partido y otros trabajadores de la capital
deben manifestar plenamente la superioridad del socialismo en todos los
sectores de la revolucion y la construccion y dar nuevo impulso a la
construccion de potencia a base de la victoria lograda en la "marcha
    en acato a la poderosa politica de unidad del partido deben ser
inflexibles combatientes que ejecuten la idea y la linea del dirigente kim
jong il en cualesquier circunstancias y hacer que la defensa decisiva al
lider no sea la consigna abstracta sino la consigna de accion y de practica.
    en cualquier situacion deben luchar al tomar por linea respiratoria la
linea revolucionaria de priorizacion militar presentada por el dirigente kim
jong il. 
    con la consigna " hagamos del presente un ano de nuevo avance de la
construccion de potencia economica del siglo 21 " en alto, deben hacer con
constancia la labor para reconstruir a base de la tecnica moderna el
conjunto de economia nacional a la par de reajustar las bases economicas
existentes y elevar al maximo su poderio.
    deben disponer de gran poderio economico del estado de conformidad con
la demanda de la nueva epoca de la revolucion con el ejercito al frente.
    en el mitin intervinieron representantes de los obreros, campesinos,
jovenes estudiantes y de otros sectores.
    los oradores senalaron que bajo la probada direccion del dirigente kim
jong il y con la bandera roja del socialismo coreano en alto llevaran a
feliz termino las tareas combativas presentadas en el editorial conjunto.
    terminado el acto, los participantes marcharon por las calles
principales de la capital gritando consignas de decision de ocupar en la
delantera del avance de la bandera roja del socialismo.


organizaciones sociales de rpdc exhortan
    pyongyang, 5 de marzo (atcc) -- el cc del frente democratico para la
reunificacion de la patria, el comite por la reunificacion pacifica de la
patria, el cc de la federacion general de los sindicatos de corea, el comite
de averiguacion de danos por la ocupacion de corea por el imperialismo
japones y otras 21 organizaciones sociales exhortaron a los 70 millones de
coreanos en el norte y el sur de corea y en el ultramar a lograr la firme
solidaridad y alianza y desarrollar con valentia la lucha comun pannacional
para frustrar el complot de tergiversacion de la historia de los
reaccionarios japoneses y lograr que el japon pida disculpa y haga
indemnizacion. el llamamiento fechado 3 senala en particular:
    en el manual de historia los reaccionarios japoneses predican la
"legalidad" y "vigencia" del "tratado de anexion de corea al japon" y
describen su ocupacion a corea y su guerra de agresion a los paises
asiaticos como "beneficios". esto es un acto criminal muy provocativo y
peligroso tendente a inculcar a los miembros de la generacion venidera la
idea militarista y de agresion al ultramar.
    la nacion coreana que tiene grabados en lo mas profundo del corazon los
crimenes imperdonables del imperialismo japones no podra estar con brazos
cruzados ante los descarados actos de tergiversacion de la historia y las
miquinaciones de resurgimiento militarista de los reaccionarios japoneses.
    que todos los miembros de la nacion coreana levantemonos como un solo
hombre para frustrar categoricamente las maquinaciones criminales de
tergiversacion de la historia de los reaccionarios japoneses y cortar sus
garras de agresion al ultramar pongamos al desnudo la ilegalidad de todos
los "tratados" y "convenios" impuestos por el imperialismo japones
incluyendo el "tratado de anexion de corea al japon" y "el tratado de 5
puntos de ulsa" y acusamos a todo el mundo su bandolerismo politico enviamos
apoyo y respaldo compatrioticos a los surcoreanos quienes elevan voces de
protesta por la tergiversacion de la historia de los reaccionarios japoneses
y elevan el vigor de lucha antijaponesa y estamos convencidos de que los
surcoreanos responderan activamente a este llamamiento.
    llamamos a los pueblos de todos los paises asiaticos que en el pasado
gimieron y padecieron de penalidades por la agresion del imperialismo
japones a desplegar la lucha comun por frustrar las maquinaciones criminales
de tergiversacion de la historia de los reaccionarios japoneses.
    expresamos la conviccion de que los pueblos de todos los paises del
mundo amantes de la paz expresaran activa solidaridad con la lucha del
pueblo coreano por frustrar las maquinaciones de tergiversacion de la
historia de los reaccionarios japoneses y lograr que estos pidan disculpa y
hagan indemnizacion.

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